2016-11-10 8 views


メールIDは(第一レコードがW6である)と、メールの本文が列X6 であるこの作品は、それが1通の電子メールを送信ウィルだっただろう誰とコード"wsht.cells(i, 25) = sbody"


例えば: - 電子メールIDは[email protected]で、電子メールIDは[email protected]です 現在、コード#は2つのメールを送信しますが、xxx @ gmailには1つのメールのみを送信します。 com


Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() 
Dim OutApp As Object 
Dim OutMail As Object 

Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 

With Application 
    .EnableEvents = False 
    .ScreenUpdating = False 
End With 

Dim wSht As Worksheet 
Dim LastRow As Long, lCuenta As Long 
Dim i As Integer, k As Integer 
Dim sTo As String, sSbject As String, sBody As String 

Set wSht = ActiveSheet 
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 

For i = 6 To LastRow 
    lCuenta = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("W6:W" & i), Range("W" & i)) 
    If lCuenta = 1 Then 
    ssubject = "PD Call Back" 
    sTo = wSht.Cells(i, 1) 
    sBody = wSht.Cells(i, 24) 
    For k = i To LastRow 
     If wSht.Cells(i, 1).Value = wSht.Cells(k + 1, 1).Value Then 
     sBody = sBody & vbNewLine & wSht.Cells(k + 1, 24).Value 
     End If 
     wSht.Cells(i, 25) = sBody 
    Next k 
    End If 

    Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0) 

    On Error Resume Next 
    With OutMail 
    .To = sTo 
    .Subject = ssubject 
    .body = sBody 
    End With 
Next i 
End Sub 

テスト用End Ifは、電子メールを送信した後のセクションに移動する必要があります。電子メールアドレスがまだ存在しない場合は、電子メールを送信します。電子メールアドレスがすでに存在する場合は、(複製)電子メールを送信しないでください。 –




Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() 
    Dim OutApp As Object 
    Dim OutMail As Object 

    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 

    With Application 
     .EnableEvents = False 
     .ScreenUpdating = False 
    End With 

    Dim wSht As Worksheet 
    Dim LastRow As Long, lCuenta As Long 
    Dim i As Integer, k As Integer 
    Dim sTo As String, sSbject As String, sBody As String 

    Set wSht = ActiveSheet 
    LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 

    For i = 6 To LastRow 
     lCuenta = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("W6:W" & i), Range("W" & i)) 

     If lCuenta = 1 Then 
      ssubject = "PD Call Back" 
      sTo = wSht.Cells(i, 1) 
      sBody = wSht.Cells(i, 24) 

      For k = i To LastRow 
       If wSht.Cells(i, 1).Value = wSht.Cells(k + 1, 1).Value Then 
        sBody = sBody & vbNewLine & wSht.Cells(k + 1, 24).Value 
       End If 
       wSht.Cells(i, 25) = sBody 
      Next k 

     'End If '<-- Move this 

      Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0) 

      On Error Resume Next 
      With OutMail 
       .To = sTo 
       .Subject = ssubject 
       .body = sBody 
      End With 

     End If '<-- To here 
    Next i 
End Sub