2017-07-06 10 views


'use strict'; 

const { getProjectCommands } = require('./core'); 

import type { RNConfig } from './core'; 

export type CommandT = { 
    name: string, 
    description?: string, 
    usage?: string, 
    func: (argv: Array<string>, config: RNConfig, args: Object) => ?Promise<void>, 
    options?: Array<{ 
    command: string, 
    description?: string, 
    parse?: (val: string) => any, 
    default?: (config: RNConfig) => any | any, 
    examples?: Array<{ 
    desc: string, 
    cmd: string, 
    pkg?: { 
    version: string, 
    name: string, 

const documentedCommands = [ 

// The user should never get here because projects are inited by 
// using `react-native-cli` from outside a project directory. 
const undocumentedCommands = [ 
    name: 'init', 
    func:() => { 
     'Looks like React Native project already exists in the current', 
     'folder. Run this command from a different folder or remove node_modules/react-native', 

const commands: Array<CommandT> = [ 

module.exports = commands; 


'use strict'; 

const adb = require('./adb'); 
const chalk = require('chalk'); 
const child_process = require('child_process'); 
const fs = require('fs'); 
const isPackagerRunning = require('../util/isPackagerRunning'); 
const isString = require('lodash/isString'); 
const path = require('path'); 
const Promise = require('promise'); 

// Verifies this is an Android project 
function checkAndroid(root) { 
    return fs.existsSync(path.join(root, 'android/gradlew')); 

* Starts the app on a connected Android emulator or device. 
function runAndroid(argv, config, args) { 
    if (!checkAndroid(args.root)) { 
    console.log(chalk.red('Android project not found. Maybe run react-native android first?')); 

    if (!args.packager) { 
    return buildAndRun(args); 

    return isPackagerRunning().then(result => { 
    if (result === 'running') { 
     console.log(chalk.bold('JS server already running.')); 
    } else if (result === 'unrecognized') { 
     console.warn(chalk.yellow('JS server not recognized, continuing with build...')); 
    } else { 
     // result == 'not_running' 
     console.log(chalk.bold('Starting JS server...')); 
    return buildAndRun(args); 

function getAdbPath() { 
    return process.env.ANDROID_HOME 
    ? process.env.ANDROID_HOME + '/platform-tools/adb' 
    : 'adb'; 

// Runs ADB reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 to allow loading the jsbundle from the packager 
function tryRunAdbReverse(device) { 
    try { 
    const adbPath = getAdbPath(); 
    const adbArgs = ['reverse', 'tcp:8081', 'tcp:8081']; 

    // If a device is specified then tell adb to use it 
    if (device) { 
     adbArgs.unshift('-s', device); 

     `Running ${adbPath} ${adbArgs.join(' ')}` 

    child_process.execFileSync(adbPath, adbArgs, { 
     stdio: [process.stdin, process.stdout, process.stderr], 
    } catch (e) { 
    console.log(chalk.yellow(`Could not run adb reverse: ${e.message}`)); 

// Builds the app and runs it on a connected emulator/device. 
function buildAndRun(args) { 
    process.chdir(path.join(args.root, 'android')); 
    const cmd = process.platform.startsWith('win') 
    ? 'gradlew.bat' 
    : './gradlew'; 

    const packageName = fs.readFileSync(

    const packageNameWithSuffix = args.appIdSuffix ? packageName + '.' + args.appIdSuffix : packageName; 

    const adbPath = getAdbPath(); 
    if (args.deviceId) { 
    if (isString(args.deviceId)) { 
     runOnSpecificDevice(args, cmd, packageNameWithSuffix, packageName, adbPath); 
    } else { 
     console.log(chalk.red('Argument missing for parameter --deviceId')); 
    } else { 
    runOnAllDevices(args, cmd, packageNameWithSuffix, packageName, adbPath); 

function runOnSpecificDevice(args, gradlew, packageNameWithSuffix, packageName, adbPath) { 
    let devices = adb.getDevices(); 
    if (devices && devices.length > 0) { 
    if (devices.indexOf(args.deviceId) !== -1) { 
     installAndLaunchOnDevice(args, args.deviceId, packageNameWithSuffix, packageName, adbPath); 
    } else { 
     console.log('Could not find device with the id: "' + args.deviceId + '".'); 
     console.log('Choose one of the following:'); 
    } else { 
    console.log('No Android devices connected.'); 

function buildApk(gradlew) { 
    try { 
    console.log(chalk.bold('Building the app...')); 

    // using '-x lint' in order to ignore linting errors while building the apk 
    child_process.execFileSync(gradlew, ['build', '-x', 'lint'], { 
     stdio: [process.stdin, process.stdout, process.stderr], 
    } catch (e) { 
    console.log(chalk.red('Could not build the app, read the error above for details.\n')); 

function tryInstallAppOnDevice(args, device) { 
    try { 
    const pathToApk = `${args.appFolder}/build/outputs/apk/${args.appFolder}-debug.apk`; 
    const adbPath = getAdbPath(); 
    const adbArgs = ['-s', device, 'install', pathToApk]; 
     `Installing the app on the device (cd android && adb -s ${device} install ${pathToApk}` 
    child_process.execFileSync(adbPath, adbArgs, { 
     stdio: [process.stdin, process.stdout, process.stderr], 
    } catch (e) { 
     'Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details.\n' 

function tryLaunchAppOnDevice(device, packageNameWithSuffix, packageName, adbPath, mainActivity) { 
    try { 
    const adbArgs = ['-s', device, 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', packageNameWithSuffix + '/' + packageName + '.' + mainActivity]; 
     `Starting the app on ${device} (${adbPath} ${adbArgs.join(' ')})...` 
    child_process.spawnSync(adbPath, adbArgs, {stdio: 'inherit'}); 
    } catch (e) { 
     'adb invocation failed. Do you have adb in your PATH?' 

function installAndLaunchOnDevice(args, selectedDevice, packageNameWithSuffix, packageName, adbPath) { 
    tryInstallAppOnDevice(args, selectedDevice); 
    tryLaunchAppOnDevice(selectedDevice, packageNameWithSuffix, packageName, adbPath, args.mainActivity); 

function runOnAllDevices(args, cmd, packageNameWithSuffix, packageName, adbPath){ 
    try { 
    const gradleArgs = []; 
    if (args.variant) { 
     gradleArgs.push('install' + 
     args.variant[0].toUpperCase() + args.variant.slice(1) 
    } else if (args.flavor) { 
     '--flavor has been deprecated. Use --variant instead' 
     gradleArgs.push('install' + 
     args.flavor[0].toUpperCase() + args.flavor.slice(1) 
    } else { 

    if (args.installDebug) { 

     `Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && ${cmd} ${gradleArgs.join(' ')})...` 

    child_process.execFileSync(cmd, gradleArgs, { 
     stdio: [process.stdin, process.stdout, process.stderr], 
    } catch (e) { 
     'Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details.\n' + 
     'Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected and have\n' + 
     'set up your Android development environment:\n' + 
    // stderr is automatically piped from the gradle process, so the user 
    // should see the error already, there is no need to do 
    // `console.log(e.stderr)` 
    return Promise.reject(); 
    const devices = adb.getDevices(); 
    if (devices && devices.length > 0) { 
     devices.forEach((device) => { 
     tryLaunchAppOnDevice(device, packageNameWithSuffix, packageName, adbPath, args.mainActivity); 
    } else { 
     try { 
     // If we cannot execute based on adb devices output, fall back to 
     // shell am start 
     const fallbackAdbArgs = [ 
      'shell', 'am', 'start', '-n', packageNameWithSuffix + '/' + packageName + '.MainActivity' 
      `Starting the app (${adbPath} ${fallbackAdbArgs.join(' ')}...` 
     child_process.spawnSync(adbPath, fallbackAdbArgs, {stdio: 'inherit'}); 
     } catch (e) { 
      'adb invocation failed. Do you have adb in your PATH?' 
     // stderr is automatically piped from the gradle process, so the user 
     // should see the error already, there is no need to do 
     // `console.log(e.stderr)` 
     return Promise.reject(); 

function startServerInNewWindow() { 
    const yargV = require('yargs').argv; 
    const scriptFile = /^win/.test(process.platform) ? 
    'launchPackager.bat' : 
    const packagerDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'packager'); 
    const launchPackagerScript = path.resolve(packagerDir, scriptFile); 
    const procConfig = {cwd: packagerDir}; 

    if (process.platform === 'darwin') { 
    if (yargV.open) { 
     return child_process.spawnSync('open', ['-a', yargV.open, launchPackagerScript], procConfig); 
    return child_process.spawnSync('open', [launchPackagerScript], procConfig); 

    } else if (process.platform === 'linux') { 
    procConfig.detached = true; 
    if (yargV.open){ 
     return child_process.spawn(yargV.open,['-e', 'sh', launchPackagerScript], procConfig); 
    return child_process.spawn('sh', [launchPackagerScript], procConfig); 

    } else if (/^win/.test(process.platform)) { 
    procConfig.detached = true; 
    procConfig.stdio = 'ignore'; 
    return child_process.spawn('cmd.exe', ['/C', launchPackagerScript], procConfig); 
    } else { 
    console.log(chalk.red(`Cannot start the packager. Unknown platform ${process.platform}`)); 

module.exports = { 
    name: 'run-android', 
    description: 'builds your app and starts it on a connected Android emulator or device', 
    func: runAndroid, 
    options: [{ 
    command: '--install-debug', 
    }, { 
    command: '--root [string]', 
    description: 'Override the root directory for the android build (which contains the android directory)', 
    default: '', 
    }, { 
    command: '--flavor [string]', 
    description: '--flavor has been deprecated. Use --variant instead', 
    }, { 
    command: '--variant [string]', 
    }, { 
    command: '--appFolder [string]', 
    description: 'Specify a different application folder name for the android source.', 
    default: 'app', 
    }, { 
    command: '--appIdSuffix [string]', 
    description: 'Specify an applicationIdSuffix to launch after build.', 
    default: '', 
    }, { 
    command: '--main-activity [string]', 
    description: 'Name of the activity to start', 
    default: 'MainActivity', 
    }, { 
    command: '--deviceId [string]', 
    description: 'builds your app and starts it on a specific device/simulator with the ' + 
     'given device id (listed by running "adb devices" on the command line).', 
    }, { 
    command: '--no-packager', 
    description: 'Do not launch packager while building', 

彼らはただ/ node_modulesに/反応ネイティブれ


正確なパスを教えてください。また、grepや他のbashコマンドを使った場所はどうやって新しくなりましたか? – commonSenseCode


はい、そうです。私は上で述べた。これはproject_root/node_modules/react-nativeです。 – Charles
