2017-10-31 6 views

ここではほとんど問題はありません。 2Dキャンバスで作業し、四角形の2Dキャンバスにマウスボタンをドラッグして長方形を作成することができます。この矩形は柔軟で、マウスをドラッグすることで任意の方向に移動できます。2Dキャンバスの任意の側面にあるオブジェクトをドラッグする方法



Desired Image. No matter which side mouse cursor point is. Image1 - 希望する画像。どちらのマウスカーソルポイントでも問題ありません。

enter image description here 画像2 - 私はキャンバスのマウス点左側移動

enter image description here 画像3 - 私はキャンバス

function drawBox(x, y, w, h, crosshairSize, detailWidth, fill, detailCol) { 
     ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3; 
     function drawCross(x, y, s, w) { // draw crosshair s is size, w is width 
      const hw = w/2; // half width 
      ctx.lineTo(x - hw, y - hw); 
      ctx.lineTo(x - hw, y - s); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + hw, y - s); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + hw, y - hw); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + s, y - hw); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + s, y + hw); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + hw, y + hw); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + hw, y + s); 
      ctx.lineTo(x - hw, y + s); 
      ctx.lineTo(x - hw, y + hw); 
      ctx.lineTo(x - s, y + hw); 
      ctx.lineTo(x - s, y - hw); 

     function drawCorner(x, y, dx, dy, s, w) { // draw crosshair s is size, w is width 
      // dx and dy are directions   
      const hw = w/2; // half width 
      ctx.lineTo(x, y); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + dx * s, y); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + dx * s, y + dy * w); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + dx * w, y + dy * w); 
      ctx.lineTo(x + dx * w, y + dy * s); 
      ctx.lineTo(x, y + dy * s); 
     ctx.fillStyle = fill; 
     ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h); 
     ctx.fillStyle = detailCol; 
     drawCross(x + w/2, y + h/2, crosshairSize, detailWidth); 
     drawCorner(x, y, 1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); 
     drawCorner(x + w, y, -1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); 
     drawCorner(x + w, y + h, -1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); 
     drawCorner(x, y + h, 1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); 
}` //end of function` 

//calling drawBox function 
drawBox(startposition.x, startposition.y, width * 2, height * 2, crosshairSize, 1, "#6E97B1", '#0055FE'); 




 directionX = previousMousePosition.x - startposition.x; 
    directionY = previousMousePosition.y - startposition.y; 


function drawCorner(x, y, dx, dy, s, w) { // draw crosshair s is size, w is width 

     // dx and dy are directions   
     const hw = w/2; // half width 
     ctx.lineTo(x, y); 
     ctx.lineTo(x + dx * s, y); 
     ctx.lineTo(x + dx * s, y + dy * w); 
     ctx.lineTo(x + dx * w, y + dy * w); 
     ctx.lineTo(x + dx * w, y + dy * s); 
     ctx.lineTo(x, y + dy * s); 


    var crosshairSize = 10; 
    var detailWidth = 2; 
    if (directionY > 0 && directionX > 0) // down 
     drawCorner(startposition.x, startposition.y, 1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //1 
     drawCorner(startposition.x + directionY , startposition.y, -1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //2 
     drawCorner(startposition.x + directionY , startposition.y + directionX , -1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //3 
     drawCorner(startposition.x, startposition.y + directionX , 1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //4 
    if (directionY < 0 && directionX > 0) {  // up 

     drawCorner(startposition.x, startposition.y + directionY , 1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //1 
     drawCorner(startposition.x + directionX , startposition.y + directionY , -1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //2 
     drawCorner(startposition.x + directionX , startposition.y, -1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //3 
     drawCorner(startposition.x, startposition.y, 1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //4 
    if (directionY > 0 && directionX < 0) { //left 

     drawCorner(startposition.x + directionX , startposition.y, 1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //1 
     drawCorner(startposition.x, startposition.y, -1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //2 
     drawCorner(startposition.x, startposition.y + directionY , -1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //3 
     drawCorner(startposition.x + directionX , startposition.y + directionY , 1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //4 

    if (directionY < 0 && directionX < 0) { // upper left 

     drawCorner(startposition.x + directionX , startposition.y + directionY , 1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //1 
     drawCorner(startposition.x, startposition.y + directionY , -1, 1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //2 
     drawCorner(startposition.x, startposition.y, -1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //3 
     drawCorner(startposition.x + directionX , startposition.y, 1, -1, crosshairSize * 2, detailWidth); //4 