player.prototype.draw = function (w, h, ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = '#E50000';
if (this.XPercent !== 0 && this.YPercent !== 0) {
// ** moves at correct angle (no rotation involved)
// Get the difference between the points
var tx = this.nextXPercent - this.XPercent;
var ty = this.nextYPercent - this.YPercent;
// Add the x and y areas then get the square root
var dist = Math.sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty);
var newX = (tx/dist) * 0.1;
var newY = (ty/dist) * 0.1;
this.XPercent = this.XPercent + (isNaN(newX) ? 0 : newX);
this.YPercent = this.YPercent + (isNaN(newY) ? 0 : newY);
var currentX = (w/100) * this.XPercent;
var currentY = (h/100) * this.YPercent;
ctx.translate(currentX - (playerWidth/2), currentY);
currentX = (playerWidth/2);
currentY = 0;
// now rotate smoothly
ctx.rotate(this.getRotation2(w, h, ctx) * Math.PI/180);
ctx.moveTo(currentX, currentY);
ctx.lineTo(currentX - playerWidth, currentY - (playerHeight/2));
ctx.lineTo(currentX - playerWidth, currentY + (playerHeight/2));
player.prototype.getRotation2 = function (w, h, ctx) {
var y2 = this.nextYPercent;
var y1 = this.YPercent.toFixed(0);
var x2 = this.nextXPercent;
var x1 = this.XPercent.toFixed(0);
if (x1 == x2 && y2 == y1) {
return this.angle;
var Xdiff = y2 - y1;
var Ydiff = x2 - x1;
this.angle %= 360;
var rads = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
var targetAngle = rads * (180/Math.PI);
targetAngle = (targetAngle + 360) % 360;
if (this.angle != targetAngle) {
var netAngle = (this.angle - targetAngle + 360) % 360;
var delta = Math.min(Math.abs(netAngle - 360), netAngle, 5);
var sign = (netAngle - 180) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
this.angle += sign * delta + 360;
this.angle %= 360;
if (this.hasBall) {
// This is where we should position the circle at correct angle
gameBall.XPercent = this.XPercent + ???
gameBall.YPercent = this.YPercent + ???
return this.angle;
二キャンバスに**先端に円で**あなたの矢印を作成します...それをシンプルに保つと 'context.drawImage(theSecondCanvasを使用、x、y) 'を押すと、メインのキャンバスにその円の矢印が描かれます。 – markE