use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use JSON;
my $input_file = shift;
my @results;
open(my $fh, "<", $input_file);
# Read the text file 5 lines at a time, and store each line in the hash data with the desired keys.
while ((my @lines) = map { scalar(<$fh>) or() } 0..4) {
my %data = ('beername' => $lines[0],
'location' => $lines[1],
'ABV' => $lines[2],
'IBU' => $lines[3],
'Rating' => $lines[4],
# Store these hash refs in an array that we'll later convert to JSON.
push(@results, \%data);
# Write results to file.
open(my $json_out, ">", 'beers.json');
print {$json_out} encode_json(\@results);
$ json_xs <beers.json
"ABV" : "5.2\n",
"IBU" : "13.65\n",
"location" : "Lawrence, Kansas, USA\n",
"Rating" : "Rating - 0.00\n",
"beername" : "23rd Street Wave the Wheat Ale\n"
"ABV" : "5.2\n",
"IBU" : "Unknown\n",
"location" : "Carbondale, Pennsylvania, USA\n",
"Rating" : "Rating - 0.00\n",
"beername" : "3 Guys & A Beerââ¬â¢d Wheat the People\n"
"location" : "Lake Orion, Michigan, USA\n",
"Rating" : "Rating - 0.00\n",
"beername" : "51 North Paint Creek Wheat\n",
"IBU" : "Unknown\n",
"ABV" : "4.8\n"
モジュール[JSON](http://search.cpan.org/~ishigaki/JSON-2.94/lib/JSON.pm) – zdim
「失敗」とはどういう意味ですか?プログラムを実行するとどうなりますか?代わりに何が起こると思いますか?投稿はhttps://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve – Robert
私は混乱しています...あなたはデータの保存に助けを求めますが、データ構造の代わりにテキストファイルを表示しますか? – ikegami