2016-07-20 28 views


Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "packetSniffer.py", line 120, in <module> 
    File "packetSniffer.py", line 27, in main 
    (version, headerLength, timeToLive, protocol, source, target, data) = ip(data) 
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 7) 


import struct 
import textwrap 
import socket 

TAB_1 = '\t - ' 
TAB_2 = '\t\t - ' 
TAB_3 = '\t\t\t - ' 
TAB_4 = '\t\t\t\t - ' 

DATA_TAB_1 = '\t ' 
DATA_TAB_2 = '\t\t ' 
DATA_TAB_3 = '\t\t\t ' 
DATA_TAB_4 = '\t\t\t\t ' 

def main(): 
    connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.ntohs(3)) 

    while True: 
     rawData, address = connection.recvfrom(65535) 
     reciever_mac, sender_mac, ethernetProtocol, data = ethernet_frame(rawData) 
     print('\nEthernet Frame: ') 
     print(TAB_1 + 'Destination: {}, Source: {}, Protocol: {}'.format(reciever_mac, sender_mac, ethernetProtocol)) 

     #Make sure you are using Ethernet protocol 8 
     if ethernetProtocol == 8: 
      (version, headerLength, timeToLive, protocol, source, target, data) = ip(data) 
      print(TAB_1 + 'IP Packet:') 
      print(TAB_2 + 'Version: {}, Header Length: {}, TTL: {}'.format(version, headerLength, timeToLive)) 
      print(TAB_2 + 'Protocol: {}, Source: {}, Target: {}'.format(protocol, source, target)) 

      if protocol == 1: 
       icmpType, code, checkSum, data = icmpPackets(data) 
       print(TAB_1 + 'ICMP Packet:') 
       print(TAB_2 + 'Type: {}, Code: {}, Checksum: {},'.format(icmpType, code, checkSum)) 
       print(TAB_2 + 'Data:') 
       print(formatMultiLine(DATA_TAB_3, data)) 

      elif protocol == 6: 
       (sourcePort, destinationPort, sequence, acknowledgement, flagURG, flagACK, flagPSH, flagRST, flagSYN, flagFIN, data) = tcpSegment(data) 
       print(TAB_2 + 'Source Port: {}, Destination Port: {}'.format(sourcePort, destinationPort)) 
       print(TAB_2 + 'Sequence: {}, Acknowledgment: {}'.format(sequence, acknowledgement)) 
       print(TAB_2 + 'Flags:') 
       print(TAB_3 + 'URG: {}, ACK: {}, PSH: {}'.format(flagURG, flagACK, flagPSH)) 
       print(TAB_3 + 'RST: {}, SYN: {}, FIN:{}'.format(flagRST, flagSYN, flagSYN)) 
       print(formatMultiLine(DATA_TAB_3, data)) 

      elif protocol == 17: 
       (sourcePort, destinationPort, length, data) = udpSegment(data) 
       print(TAB_1 + 'UDP Segment:') 
       print(TAB_2 + 'Source Port: {}, Destination Port: {}, Length: {}'.format(sourcePort, destinationPort, length)) 

       print(TAB_1 + 'Other IPv4 Data:') 
       print(formatMultiLine(DATA_TAB_2, data)) 

      print('Ethernet Data:') 
      print(formatMultiLine(DATA_TAB_1, data)) 

# Unpack ethernet frame 
def ethernet_frame(data): 
    reciever_mac, sender_mac, protocol = struct.unpack('! 6s 6s H', data[:14]) 
    return getMacAddress(reciever_mac), getMacAddress(sender_mac), socket.htons(protocol), data[14:] 

# Convert the Mac address from the jumbled up form from above into human readable format 
def getMacAddress(bytesAddress): 
    bytesString = map('{:02x}'.format, bytesAddress) 
    macAddress = ':'.join(bytesString).upper() 
    return macAddress 

#Unpack IP header data 
def ip_packet(data): 
    versionHeaderLength = data[0] 
    version = versionHeaderLength >> 4 
    headerLength = (versionHeaderLength & 15) * 4 

    timeToLive, protocol, source, target = struct.unpack('! 8x B B 2x 4s 4s', data[:20]) 
    return version, headerLength, timeToLive, protocol, ip(source), ip(target), data[headerLength:] 

#Returns properly formatted IP address 
def ip(address): 
    return '.'.join(map(str, address)) 

#Unpack ICMP packets 
def icmpPackets(data): 
    icmpType, code, checkSum = struct.unpack('! B B H', data[:4]) 
    return icmpType, code, checkSum, data[4:] 

#Unpack TCP segments: 
def tcpSegment(data): 
    (sourcePort, destinationPort, sequence, acknowledgement, offsetReservedFlags) = struct.unpack('! H H L L H', data[:14]) 
    offset = (offsetReservedFlags >> 12) * 4 

    flagURG = (offsetReservedFlags & 32) >> 5 
    flagACK = (offsetReservedFlags & 16) >> 4 
    flagPSH = (offsetReservedFlags & 8) >> 3 
    flagRST = (offsetReservedFlags & 4) >> 2 
    flagSYN = (offsetReservedFlags & 2) >> 1 
    flagFIN = offsetReservedFlags & 1 

    return sourcePort, destinationPort, sequence, acknowledgement, flagURG, flagACK, flagPSH, flagRST, flagSYN, flagFIN, data[offset:] 

#Unpack UDP segments: 
def udpSegment(data): 
    sourcePort, destinationPort, size = struct.unpack('! H H 2x H', data[:8]) 
    return sourcePort, destinationPort, size, data[8:] 

#Breaks down and formats large, multi-lined data 
def formatMultiLine(prefix, string, size = 80): 
    size -= len(prefix) 
    if isinstance(string, bytes): 
     string = ''.join(r'\x{:02X}'.format(byte) for byte in string) 
     if size % 2: 
      size -= 1 

    return '\n'.join([prefix + line for line in textwrap.wrap(string, size)]) 





So..whatは 'IP(データ)'のですか? –


それは私が持っている別の機能です...プログラムコード全体を投稿したいですか? –


私たちのクリスタルボールを使って 'ip()'が何を返すのか把握すべきでしょうか? –




(version, headerLength, timeToLive, protocol, source, target, data) = ip(data) 



というの出力は、あなた正確かを示す必要があります問題は - これは101のものをデバッグしている、それはほとんどあなたのコードをデバッグしようとすると、情報量が少なくなります。



それはより多くの情報を表示しますが、すべての情報が読めませんhaha –


最終的にそれを想像してください...それはtypo haha​​でした –


これはip(data)が7以上のelemsを持つseqを返すようです。これを試してみてください :

(version, headerLength, timeToLive, protocol, source, target, data) = ip(data)[:7] 

それは私にエラーを与えませんが、私はどちらかを探しているデータを与えません –


私はあなたのためにあなたがあなたのproblem.Youを見つけるためにあなたを助けることがあなたが必要とするものを見つける必要があるあなたは何を必要としているのですか? –




>>> test="" 
>>> a,b,c,d,e,f,g,*h=test 
>>> a 
>>> b 
>>> c 
>>> d 
>>> h 
['.', '2', '5', '5', '.', '2', '5', '5'] 
>>> *a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h=test 
>>> a 
['2', '5', '5', '.', '2', '5', '5', '.'] 
>>> b 
>>> c 
>>> a,b,*c,d,e,f,g,h=test 
>>> a 
>>> b 
>>> c 
['5', '.', '2', '5', '5', '.', '2', '5'] 
>>> d 

