2011-11-08 5 views


1. Ctrl+v 
2. Alt+tab 
3. Click certain link in a window (no combo-key for this but it's always in the same place) 
4. Enter (carriage return) 
5. Alt+s 
6. Ctrl+v 
7. Enter 



0. SetWinDelay 100 (using a connection to an remote computer) 
0. SetKeyDelay 0 
1. Send, ^c 
1. ClipWait, 0.1 
2. Send, {Alt down}{tab} 
2. Send, {Alt up} 
3. ????? 
4. Send, {enter} 
5. Send, !s 
6. Send, ^v 
7. Send, {enter} 





特定の位置を「クリック」したい場合は、メニューを開くために、まずAutoHotKeyアイコンを右クリックし、「ウィンドウスパイ」を開きます。このウィンドウのスパイはマウスの位置を表示します。 Yoは、アクティブなアプリケーションでマウスの位置を使用してアクションを実行できます。


SoundBeep 1000, 300 ; Wake up user 

SplashTextOn, 200, 100, Script Preparations, Please Click on the person icon link. ; Show new Instructions text 

WinMove, Script Preparations,, (A_ScreenWidth/2)+150, (A_ScreenHeight/2)+200 ; Move the window with the name "Script Preparations" Down and Right on the main screen 

KeyWait, LButton, D ; Wait for LeftMouseButton click Down 

MouseGetPos, xposE ,yposE ; Store the position where the mouse was clicked (Employee) 

MouseClick, left, %xposE% ,%yposE%, 2 ; Perform a double mouse click on the captured mouse location 

SplashTextOff ; Remove Text box 


b.t.w.代わりにAltキー + タブを使用して、私はこれを使用することをお勧め:

settitlematchmode, 1 ; Set search in title to start with.... 

settitlematchmode, Fast ; Slow is not required here. Slow is only required when hidden text needs to be found. 

SwitchWindow("Microsoft Excel - 1 QRM Upload and Change Template") ; Activate the 
window with the title: Microsoft Excel - 1 QRM Upload and Change Template 

You could even use someting like this: 

SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Ensure that the Title Match mode is set to 2: Find anywhere in the title 

    SetTitleMatchMode, Fast ; Ensure that the Title Match mode is set to FAST 

    winactivate, %WindowName% ; Activate the window with the title stored in the variable WindowName 

    WinWaitActive, %WindowName%, , 5 ; Wait up to five seconds for the screen 

    if ErrorLevel ; Execute this when the window is not activated within 5 seconds 

    { ; Start-If Wait failed 

    SoundBeep 1000 , 1000 ; Warn the user 

    MsgBox,4097,Time Out, Script timed out while waiting for %WindowName%.`n`rYou Must manually activate %WindowName% and then continue the script by pressing OK. ; Message to user 

    IfMsgBox, Cancel ; Do when the user clicked on Cancel 

    { ; Start-If User clicked Cancel 

     ExitApp ; Exit this program when the user clicked on Cancel 

    } ; End-If User clicked Cancel 

    WinWaitActive, %WindowName%, , 5 ; Try to activate the window AGAIN 

    if ErrorLevel ; If window can't be found 

    { ; Start-If window can't be found 

     MsgBox,4096,Exit, %WindowName% still NOT Active. ; Warn user 

     ExitApp ; Exit this program when the expected window is still not found 

    } ; End-If window can't be found 

    } ; End-If Wait failed 




感謝。 WinActivateが便利になり、多くの「Send」が使い終わった後に私はいくつかの睡眠を取った。クリップボードの内容が '擬似貼り付け'されている可能性があるため、マウスのクリックを使用して貼り付けモードを変更しませんでした。 '%クリップボード%' – abcde123483
