2017-07-04 3 views

を合わせる - Unaligned checkboxesは、これらのcheckboxgroupsのために別のチェックボックスグループ

私はこれらのcheckboxgroupsのように見えるためにそれらを整列する - Aligned checkboxes


     xtype: 'fieldset', 
     title: 'Add to Descriptors', 
     items: [ 
       xtype: 'checkboxgroup', 
       items: [ 
        {boxLabel: '1.1', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '1.2', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '1.3', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '1.4', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '1.5', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '1.6', name: ''} 
       xtype: 'checkboxgroup', 
       items: [ 
        {boxLabel: '2.1', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '2.2', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '2.3', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '2.4', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '2.5', name: ''}, 
        {boxLabel: '2.6', name: ''} 



でなければなりません。あなたは確認してください。可能であれば、フィドルを作成します。 – UDID


奇妙なんだけど、なぜそうでないのか分からない。 – DeputyDildog


はい、私は見ることができます。 – UDID




    name: 'Fiddle', 
    launch: function() { 
    Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { 
     title: 'Checkbox Group', 

     bodyPadding: 10, 
     renderTo: Ext.getBody(), 
     items: [{ 
     xtype: 'fieldset', 
     title: 'Add to Descriptors', 
     items: [{ 
      xtype: 'checkboxgroup', 
      layout: 'hbox', 
      defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container 
       width: 75 
      items: [{ 
       boxLabel: '1.1', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '1.2', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '1.3', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '1.4', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '1.5', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '1.6', 
       name: '' 
      xtype: 'checkboxgroup', 
      layout: 'hbox', 
      defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container 
       width: 75 
      items: [{ 
       boxLabel: '2.1', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '2.2', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '2.3', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '2.4', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '2.5', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '2.6', 
       name: '' 

      xtype: 'checkboxgroup', 
      layout: 'hbox', 
      defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container 
       width: 75 
      items: [{ 
       boxLabel: '3.1', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '3.2', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '3.3', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '3.4', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '3.5', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '3.6', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '3.7', 
       name: '' 
      xtype: 'checkboxgroup', 
      layout: 'hbox', 
      defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container 
       width: 75 
      items: [{ 
       boxLabel: '4.1', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '4.2', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '4.3', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '4.4', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '4.5', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '4.6', 
       name: '' 
      xtype: 'checkboxgroup', 
      layout: 'hbox', 
      defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container 
       width: 75 
      items: [{ 
       boxLabel: '5.1', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '5.2', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '5.3', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '5.4', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '5.5', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '5.6', 
       name: '' 
      xtype: 'checkboxgroup', 
      layout: 'hbox', 
      defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container 
       width: 75 
      items: [{ 
       boxLabel: '6.1', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '6.2', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '6.3', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '6.4', 
       name: '' 
       boxLabel: '6.5', 
       name: '' 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.sencha.com/ext/gpl/4.1.1/resources/css/ext-all.css"> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.sencha.com/ext/gpl/4.1.1/ext-all-debug.js"></script>


これはうまくいった!どうもありがとうございました。 – DeputyDildog
