* permgenの場所に保存されているものを教えてください。
物事はJLSあたりの概念的あるpackage training;
public class Memory {
static int var =1;
static String s="hi";
static Threadtutorial th;// this is another class in the same project,consider this an object.
static Threadtutorial tt = new Threadtutorial();
int are =2;
int d;
static float value;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int a;
int b=1;
Threadtutorial th;// this is another class in the nsame project,consider this an object.
Threadtutorial tt = new Threadtutorial();
final int var =1;
void somemethod(){
int ne=3;
String something;
Object ref;
Object dereee= new Object();
static void another(int b){
int c=b;
Object ref2;
Object der= new Object();
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