#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct node
bool wordBool;
int wordCount;
struct node *next[27]; // 26 letters and one space for the apostrophe
} node;
static const char trie_map[] = "'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
static node *base = 0;
static int numWords = 0;
static void oom(void)
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
static int trie_index(char c)
char *p = strchr(trie_map, tolower(c));
if (p == 0)
return -1;
return (p - trie_map);
bool load(const char *dictionary)
FILE *dictionaryf = fopen(dictionary, "r"); // the file to read
if (dictionaryf == 0)
return false;
base = calloc(sizeof(node), 1);
node *currNode = base;
int n;
while ((n = fgetc(dictionaryf)) != EOF)
n = trie_index(n);
if (n >= 0)
if (currNode->next[n] == NULL)
currNode->next[n] = calloc(sizeof(node), 1);
if (currNode->next[n] == NULL)
currNode = currNode->next[n];
else if (currNode != base)
if (!currNode->wordBool)
currNode->wordBool = true;
currNode = base;
/* else: consecutive non-letters, non-apostrophes */
if (currNode != base && !currNode->wordBool)
currNode->wordBool = true;
printf("%i distinct words\n", numWords);
return true;
static void print_trie(node *trie, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
if (trie != 0)
if (trie->wordBool)
printf("Word: %3d [%s]\n", trie->wordCount, buffer);
size_t len = strlen(buffer);
if (len >= buflen - 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Word too long!\n[%s]\n", buffer);
for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
if (trie->next[i] != 0)
buffer[len] = trie_map[i];
buffer[len+1] = '\0';
print_trie(trie->next[i], buffer, buflen);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *data = "data";
if (argc == 2)
data = argv[1];
if (load(data))
printf("Loaded file '%s' OK\n", data);
char buffer[256] = "";
print_trie(base, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
printf("Load failed!\n");
return 0;
94 distinct words
Loaded file 'trie-31.c' OK
Word: 3 [']
Word: 1 ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]
Word: 1 [and]
Word: 1 [apostrophe]
Word: 1 [apostrophes]
Word: 2 [argc]
Word: 2 [argv]
Word: 7 [base]
Word: 2 [bool]
Word: 10 [buffer]
Word: 3 [buflen]
Word: 2 [c]
Word: 2 [calloc]
Word: 8 [char]
Word: 1 [consecutive]
Word: 3 [const]
Word: 1 [ctype]
Word: 14 [currnode]
Word: 1 [d]
Word: 5 [data]
Word: 2 [dictionary]
Word: 4 [dictionaryf]
Word: 1 [distinct]
Word: 4 [else]
Word: 1 [eof]
Word: 4 [exit]
Word: 1 [failed]
Word: 2 [failure]
Word: 1 [false]
Word: 1 [fclose]
Word: 1 [fgetc]
Word: 3 [file]
Word: 1 [fopen]
Word: 2 [for]
Word: 2 [fprintf]
Word: 5 [h]
Word: 7 [i]
Word: 14 [if]
Word: 5 [include]
Word: 2 [index]
Word: 7 [int]
Word: 4 [len]
Word: 2 [letters]
Word: 3 [load]
Word: 1 [loaded]
Word: 1 [long]
Word: 1 [main]
Word: 4 [map]
Word: 1 [memory]
Word: 16 [n]
Word: 7 [next]
Word: 8 [node]
Word: 2 [non]
Word: 2 [null]
Word: 4 [numwords]
Word: 1 [of]
Word: 1 [ok]
Word: 1 [one]
Word: 2 [oom]
Word: 1 [out]
Word: 3 [p]
Word: 3 [print]
Word: 4 [printf]
Word: 1 [r]
Word: 1 [read]
Word: 5 [return]
Word: 2 [s]
Word: 1 [s']
Word: 2 [size]
Word: 3 [sizeof]
Word: 1 [space]
Word: 7 [static]
Word: 1 [stdbool]
Word: 2 [stderr]
Word: 1 [stdio]
Word: 1 [stdlib]
Word: 1 [strchr]
Word: 1 [string]
Word: 1 [strlen]
Word: 2 [struct]
Word: 2 [t]
Word: 2 [the]
Word: 1 [to]
Word: 1 [tolower]
Word: 1 [too]
Word: 15 [trie]
Word: 3 [true]
Word: 1 [typedef]
Word: 3 [void]
Word: 1 [while]
Word: 2 [word]
Word: 6 [wordbool]
Word: 3 [wordcount]
Word: 1 [words]
So she went into the garden
to cut a cabbage-leaf
to make an apple-pie
and at the same time
a great she-bear coming down the street
pops its head into the shop
What no soap
So he died
and she very imprudently married the Barber
and there were present
the Picninnies
and the Joblillies
and the Garyulies
and the great Panjandrum himself
with the little round button at top
and they all fell to playing the game of catch-as-catch-can
till the gunpowder ran out at the heels of their boots
66 distinct words
Loaded file 'great.panjandrum' OK
Word: 2 [a]
Word: 1 [all]
Word: 1 [an]
Word: 7 [and]
Word: 1 [apple]
Word: 1 [as]
Word: 3 [at]
Word: 1 [barber]
Word: 1 [bear]
Word: 1 [boots]
Word: 1 [button]
Word: 1 [cabbage]
Word: 1 [can]
Word: 2 [catch]
Word: 1 [coming]
Word: 1 [cut]
Word: 1 [died]
Word: 1 [down]
Word: 1 [fell]
Word: 1 [game]
Word: 1 [garden]
Word: 1 [garyulies]
Word: 2 [great]
Word: 1 [gunpowder]
Word: 1 [he]
Word: 1 [head]
Word: 1 [heels]
Word: 1 [himself]
Word: 1 [imprudently]
Word: 2 [into]
Word: 1 [its]
Word: 1 [joblillies]
Word: 1 [leaf]
Word: 1 [little]
Word: 1 [make]
Word: 1 [married]
Word: 1 [no]
Word: 2 [of]
Word: 1 [out]
Word: 1 [panjandrum]
Word: 1 [picninnies]
Word: 1 [pie]
Word: 1 [playing]
Word: 1 [pops]
Word: 1 [present]
Word: 1 [ran]
Word: 1 [round]
Word: 1 [same]
Word: 3 [she]
Word: 1 [shop]
Word: 2 [so]
Word: 1 [soap]
Word: 1 [street]
Word: 13 [the]
Word: 1 [their]
Word: 1 [there]
Word: 1 [they]
Word: 1 [till]
Word: 1 [time]
Word: 3 [to]
Word: 1 [top]
Word: 1 [very]
Word: 1 [went]
Word: 1 [were]
Word: 1 [what]
Word: 1 [with]
ハードコードされた数字は、一般的に(そして確かにこのケースでは)恐ろしいことです。幸いにも、この言語では、文字を数字部分として表現するために '' a ''や ''\' ''などのものを使用できます。あなたのロジックがあなたのアポストロフィをスロット0に置いているように見えますが、あなたの範囲チェックが不足していることを心配しています...キャラクターが '\'でもなく 'a'と 'z' ? – mah
ありがとう、私が使用している辞書ファイルにはアポストロフィとアルファベットの文字しか含まれていないので、問題はないはずですが、とにかくそれを修正しました。異なるロードファイル。 :) – MLShax
'malloc'はメモリをクリアしないので、自分でメモリをクリアするか、' calloc'を使ってメモリを割り当てる必要があることに注意してください。また、 'base'にメモリを割り当てますが、' variable'に 'currNode'を指定します。それはうまく終わらない可能性があります。 – user3386109