2016-08-24 9 views


import pandas as pd 
df = pd.DataFrame({'author':["Melville","Hemingway","Faulkner"], 
        'title':["Moby Dick","The Sun Also Rises","The Sound and the Fury"], 
        'subject':["whaling","bullfighting","a messed-up family"] 

# produces desired output     
("Some guy " + df['author'] + " wrote a book called " + 
    df['title'] + " that uses " + df['subject'] + 
    " as a metaphor for the human condition.") 


# returns KeyError:'author' 
["Some guy {author} wrote a book called {title} that uses " 
    "{subject} as a metaphor for the human condition.".format(x) 
     for x in df.itertuples(index=False)] 


>>> ["Some guy {author} wrote a book called {title} that uses " 
    "{subject} as a metaphor for the human condition.".format(**x._asdict()) 
     for x in df.itertuples(index=False)] 

['Some guy Melville wrote a book called Moby Dick that uses whaling as a metaphor for the human condition.', 'Some guy Hemingway wrote a book called The Sun Also Rises that uses bullfighting as a metaphor for the human condition.', 'Some guy Faulkner wrote a book called The Sound and the Fury that uses a messed-up family as a metaphor for the human condition.'] 
:、の線に沿って何かを str.format()を使用して、より明確にこれを書きます



>>> ["Some guy {} wrote a book called {} that uses " 
    "{} as a metaphor for the human condition.".format(*x) 
     for x in df.values] 

これで、 '*'は私のタプル部分を行います。輝かしい、ありがとう - なぜ誰かが私たちをdownvoted理由 – C8H10N4O2



["The book {title} by {author} uses " 
    "{subject} as a metaphor for the human condition.".format(**x) 
    for i, x in df.iterrows()] 


  • 使用名前付き引数、そのため、使用順序は列の順序と一致する必要はありません(上記のように)
  • _asdict()

タイミングのような内部機能を使用しない:最速のは、私たちが、キャッシングに関する警告に注意し、最も遅い実行を取る場合でも、M. Klugerfordの第二の溶液であるように思われます。

# example 
("Some guy " + df['author'] + " wrote a book called " + 
    df['title'] + " that uses " + df['subject'] + 
    " as a metaphor for the human condition.") 
# 1000 loops, best of 3: 883 µs per loop 

    ["Some guy {author} wrote a book called {title} that uses " 
     "{subject} as a metaphor for the human condition.".format(**x._asdict()) 
      for x in df.itertuples(index=False)] 
#1000 loops, best of 3: 962 µs per loop 

    ["Some guy {} wrote a book called {} that uses " 
    "{} as a metaphor for the human condition.".format(*x) 
      for x in df.values] 
#The slowest run took 5.90 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached. 
#10000 loops, best of 3: 18.9 µs per loop 

    from collections import OrderedDict 
    ["The book {title} by {author} uses " 
     "{subject} as a metaphor for the human condition.".format(**x) 
     for x in [OrderedDict(row) for i, row in df.iterrows()]] 
#1000 loops, best of 3: 308 µs per loop    

    ["The book {title} by {author} uses " 
     "{subject} as a metaphor for the human condition.".format(**x) 
     for i, x in df.iterrows()] 
#1000 loops, best of 3: 413 µs per loop   

