Commandを書き込んだ後、DiscordBotにInputを処理する方法を教えたいと思います。C#Discord Bot - コマンドパラメータでUserinputを取得する
private void CreateCommand(string commandName, string parameterName, ParameterType parameterType , string commandValue) // Register this command by the name and the answer value
commands.CreateCommand(commandName).Parameter(parameterName, parameterType).Do(async (e) =>
await e.Channel.SendMessage(commandValue); // Bots answer
private void Add(string commandName, string commandValue, string commandDescription) // Add a simple command to the List
singleCommandList.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(commandName, commandValue, commandDescription));
private void Add(string commandName, string parameterName, ParameterType parameterType, string commandValue, string commandDescription) // Add commands with Parameters to the List
parameterCommandList.Add(new Tuple<string, string, ParameterType, string, string>(commandName, parameterName, parameterType, commandValue, commandDescription));
private void FillCommandList() // Add all the commands to the List
Add("test", "success", "test"); // simple Command
Add("search", "onlineSearch", ParameterType.Multiple, Search("text to look for"), "Google it");
。私はそこで何を渡す必要がありますか? e.User
実際、API全体が変更されました。 – TheOnlyMrCat