2016-10-23 14 views





bfp(bmi totalを使用する必要がある)を計算するBFPBlueprintクラス。




class BMIBlueprint { 

    public double bmiBefore; 
    public double bmiAFter; 

    public BMIBlueprint() { } 

    public BMIBlueprint(double height, double weight) { 

     bmiBefore = (height * height) * weight; 

    public BMIBlueprint(double bmiConst) { 

     bmiAFter = bmiBefore * 703; 



static void Main() { 

    Write("Enter weight: "); 
    double weight = double.Parse(ReadLine()); 

    Write("Enter height: "); 
    double height = double.Parse(ReadLine()); 

    BMIBlueprint calcBmi = new BMIBlueprint(newBmiOne, newBmiTwo); 

    //then display after calculated 
    WriteLine("The finished cal should be shown here: {0:N2}", calcBmi); 



static void Main() { 

    EntranceBlueprint entrance = new EntranceBlueprint(); 


    BMIBlueprint bmiCalculator = new BMIBlueprint(); 

    Write("First, enter your weight in lbs: "); 
    double newWeight = double.Parse(bmiCalculator.weight = ReadLine()); 

    Write("\nGreat, now enter your height in inches: "); 
    double newHeight = double.Parse(bmiCalculator.height = ReadLine()); 

    bmiCalculator.bmiVar = 703; 
    double totalBmi = ((newWeight * bmiCalculator.bmiVar)/
         (newHeight * newHeight)); 

    WriteLine("\nPerfect! Your bmi is: {0:N2}. With just a few more 
       inputs we'll have your bfp. ", +totalBmi); 

    Write("\npress any key to continue"); 

    BFPBlueprint bfpCalculator = new BFPBlueprint();    

    Write("According to _ your bfp is more accurate because it takes  
    into account your age and gender. So enter your age first: "); 

    double newAge = double.Parse(bfpCalculator.age = ReadLine()); 
    Write("\nGreat, now enter your sex, like this (male or female): "); 

    string newSex = ReadLine(); 

     if (newAge >= 13 && newSex.ToLower() == "male") { 
      double totalAdultMale = 
       (1.20 * totalBmi) - (0.23 * newAge) - (10.8 * 1) - 5.4; 
       Write("\nYour bfp is: {0:N2} ", totalAdultMale); 
        if (totalAdultMale > 1 && totalAdultMale < 13) 
        Catagories(); } 

     else if (newAge <= 12 && newSex.ToLower() == "male") { 
      double totalYouthMaleBfp = 
      (1.51 * totalBmi) - (0.70 *newAge) - (3.6 * 1) + 1.4; 
      Write("Perfect! Your bfp is: {0:N2}", 

     else if (newAge >= 13 && newSex.ToLower() == "female") { 
      double totalAdultFemaleBfp = 
      (1.20 * totalBmi) - (0.23 * newAge) - (10.8 * 0) - 5.4; 
      Write("Perfect! Your bfp is: {0:N2} ",totalAdultFemaleBfp); } 

     else if (newAge <= 12 && newSex.ToLower() == "female") { 
      double totalYouthFemaleBfp = 
      (1.51 * totalBmi) - (0.70 * newAge) - (3.6 * 0) + 1.4; 
      Write("Perfect! Your bfp is {0:N2} ", totalYouthFemaleBfp); } 

     else { Write("\nYou must have typed something wrong, Try 
       again"); } 


あなたは物事を計算するためにコンストラクタを使うべきではありません。 'BMIBlueprint'のコンストラクタは、高さと重さをとり、*これらの値を格納するだけです*。次に、身長と体重に基づいてBMIを返す 'GetBMI()'メソッドと、調整に基づいてBMIを返す2つ目のメソッドがあります。 – Rob


これは役に立ちます。 [コンストラクタデザイン](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229060(v = vs.110).aspx) – shadow


@Robと同意します。また、クラスインスタンスが構築されると、コンストラクタの* 1つだけが使用されます。例えば、BMIBlueprint bmiCalculator = new BMIBlueprint(); 'は引数のないコンストラクタを選択します。他の2つのコンストラクタは実行されません。 –




using System; 

namespace ConsoleApplication 
    class BMIBlueprint 
     private const int BMI_VAR = 703; 

     public double Bmi { get; private set; } 

     public BMIBlueprint(double height, double weight) 
      Bmi = height * height * weight; 

     public void Adjust() 
      Bmi *= BMI_VAR; 

    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      Console.Write("Enter weight: "); 
      double weight = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); 

      Console.Write("Enter height: "); 
      double height = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); 

      BMIBlueprint calcBmi = new BMIBlueprint(height, weight); 


      //then display after calculated 
      Console.WriteLine("The finished cal should be shown here: {0:N2}", calcBmi.Bmi); 

      Console.Write("\nPress any key..."); 

素晴らしい!どうもありがとう。 – Dany


WriteLine("The finished cal should be shown here: {0:N2}", calcBmi); 


WriteLine("The finished cal.bmiBefore should be shown here: {0}", calcBmi.bmiBefore); 
WriteLine("The finished cal.bmiBefore should be shown here: {0}", calcBmi.bmiBefore); 

私はあなたが何を意味するかを見ます。ありがとう。 – Dany




public class BMIBlueprint { 

    private const double BMI_CONST = 703; 

    public double Height {get; private set;} 
    public double Weight {get; private set;} 

    public BMIBlueprint(double height, double weight) { 

     this.Height = height; 
     this.Weight = weight; 
    //instead of passing in variables to perform a function in your constructor 
    //use them to initialize your member variables 
    //bmiBefore = (height * height) * weight; 

    public double GetBMIBefore(){ 

     double bmiBefore = (this.Height * this.Height) * this.Weight; 
     return bmiBefore; 

    public double GetBMIAfter() { 

     double bmiBefore = this.GetBMIBefore(); 
     double bmiAfter = bmiBefore * BMI_CONST; 
     return bmiAfter; 


static void Main() { 
    Write("Enter weight: "); 
    double weight = double.Parse(ReadLine()); 

    Write("Enter height: "); 
    double height = double.Parse(ReadLine()); 

    BFPBlueprint bmiCalculator = new BFPBlueprint(height, weight); 

    double bmiBefore = bmiCalculator.GetBMIBefore(); 
    double bmiAfter = bmiCalculator.GetBMIAfter(); 


public static class BmiCalculator 
    private const double BMI_CONST = 703; 

    public double static GetNewBMI(double height, double weight) 
     double newBMI = (height * height) * weight; 
     return newBMI; 

    public double GetAdjustedBMI(double oldBMI) 
     double adjustedBMI = oldBMI * BMI_CONST; 
     return adjustedBMI; 


static void Main() { 
    Write("Enter weight: "); 
    double weight = double.Parse(ReadLine()); 

    Write("Enter height: "); 
    double height = double.Parse(ReadLine()); 

    double bmiBefore = BmiCalculator.GetNewBMI(height, weight); 
    double bmiAfter = BmiCalculator.GetAdjustedBMI(bmiBefore); 

パーフェクト!時々、私は頭の中の空白の部分を見て記入するだけの正確なものが必要です。私はいつも他の言語で教えてきましたが、C#は私の最初のものです。問題を見つけずにそれを見つめない限り、実際に何が正しいかを覚えておくより多くのダメージを感じます。 – Dany


私はプログラミングが数学に似ていると感じます。コンセプトに取り組むときに時には「ああ」の瞬間があることがあります。私は、独学で学習することがあなたの快適ゾーンの外で実験して行くことであると言います。あなたは正しい方向に向かっています。既に同じ問題に取り組んでいる他の人からのフィードバックを得ることは、あなたをスピードアップします。また、C# –




あなたは代わりにこれらのメソッドを実装し、任意のメンバ変数が含まれていない静的クラスを使用することができますOOPアプローチのより高度な例であり、入力の検証が完了しています。注意してください。必要な機能に基づいてPersonを変更する必要があります。電卓/履歴追跡は、オブジェクト自体であってもよい。あなたが投稿した抜粋がどのようにC#/ OOP形式で書かれているかを示しただけです。

using System; 
using System.Linq; 

namespace BMI_StackOverflow 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      PersonValidator inputValidator = new PersonValidator(); 
      Person person = new Person(); 
      person.Weight = CollectUserInput<double>("First, enter your weight in lbs: ", 
       inputValidator.IsValidWeight, "Please enter a positive number: "); 
      person.Height = CollectUserInput<double>("\nGreat, now enter your height in inches: ", 
       inputValidator.IsValidHeight, "Please enter a positive number: "); 

      double bmi = person.GetBmi(); 
      Console.WriteLine("\nPerfect! Your bmi is: {0:N2}. With just a few more inputs we'll have your bfp. ", +bmi); 
      Console.Write("\nPress any key to continue"); 

      person.Age = CollectUserInput<int>("According to _ your bfp is more accurate because it takes into account your age and gender. So enter your age first: ", 
       inputValidator.IsValidAge, "Please enter a positive, non-decimal number."); 
      string sex = CollectUserInput<string>("\nGreat, now enter your sex, like this (male or female): ", 
       inputValidator.IsValidSex, $"That sex is not recognized. Please input one of: {string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(Person.BiologicalSex)).Select(x => x.ToLower()))}"); 
      person.Sex = inputValidator.ParseSex(sex).Value; 

      double bfp = person.GetBfp(); 
      Console.WriteLine("Perfect! Your bfp is {0:N2} ", +bfp); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Prompts user for console input; reprompts untils correct type recieved. Returns input as specified type. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="message">Display message to prompt user for input.</param> 
     private static T CollectUserInput<T>(string message = null) 
      if (message != null) 
      while (true) 
       string rawInput = Console.ReadLine(); 
        return (T)Convert.ChangeType(rawInput, typeof(T)); 
        Console.WriteLine($"Please input a response of type: {typeof(T).ToString()}"); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Prompts user for console input; reprompts untils correct type recieved. Returns input as specified type. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="message">Display message to prompt user for input.</param> 
     /// <param name="validate">Prompt user to reenter input until it passes this validation function.</param> 
     /// <param name="validationFailureMessage">Message displayed to user after each validation failure.</param> 
     private static T CollectUserInput<T>(string message, Func<T, bool> validate, string validationFailureMessage = null) 
      var input = CollectUserInput<T>(message); 
      bool isValid = validate(input); 
      while (!isValid) 
       input = CollectUserInput<T>(); 
       isValid = validate(input); 
      return input; 

    public class Person 
     public double Weight { get; set; } 
     public double Height { get; set; } 
     public int Age { get; set; } 
     public BiologicalSex Sex { get; set; } 

     private const int bmiVar = 703; 

     public double GetBmi() 
      return ((Weight * bmiVar)/
        (Math.Pow(Height, 2))); 

     public double GetBfp() 
      double bmi = GetBmi(); 
      switch (Sex) 
       case BiologicalSex.MALE: 
        if (Age >= 13) 
         return (1.20 * bmi) - (0.23 * Age) - (10.8 * 1) - 5.4; 
        return (1.51 * bmi) - (0.70 * Age) - (3.6 * 1) + 1.4; 
       case BiologicalSex.FEMALE: 
        if (Age >= 13) 
         return (1.20 * bmi) - (0.23 * Age) - (10.8 * 0) - 5.4; 
        return (1.51 * bmi) - (0.70 * Age) - (3.6 * 0) + 1.4; 
        throw new Exception($"No BFP calculation rule for sex: {Sex}"); 

     public enum BiologicalSex 

    public class PersonValidator 
     public bool IsValidWeight(double weight) 
      return weight >= 0; 

     public bool IsValidHeight(double height) 
      return height >= 0; 

     public bool IsValidAge(int age) 
      return age >= 0; 

     public bool IsValidSex(string sex) 
      return ParseSex(sex) != null; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Attempts to parse sex from string. Returns null on failure. 
     /// </summary> 
     public Person.BiologicalSex? ParseSex(string sex) 
      int temp; 
      bool isNumber = int.TryParse(sex, out temp); 
      if (isNumber) 
       return null; 
       return (Person.BiologicalSex)Enum.Parse(typeof(Person.BiologicalSex), sex, ignoreCase: true); 
      catch (ArgumentException ex) 
       return null; 

の詳細については、[Microsoft Virtual Academy](https://mva.microsoft.com/)のMicrosoftの素晴らしい無料オンラインコースもあります。これは素晴らしいことです。私はこれを転記している間に変更するスイッチケースに取り組んでいましたが、それ以上の単純化された方法を思いつきました。 PersinalValidatorの – Dany


でそれを分けてくれてありがとう。本当に文脈でそれを置くことができます。 – Dany
