while (work_stack.size != 0){
//I have a working stack in which I have stored the elements
//which in my case are brackets and while I have elements
//i pop the first element and see if it's a left or right
a1 = pop(&work_stack.data);
if ('{' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type ||
'(' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type ||
'[' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type) {
//if it's a left bracket, then I add it to the left stack
//which i'm going to use to compare with the right sided
//brackets i will encounter.
stanga++; //i'm incrementing the no of left brackets
if(ok == 0) //if there wasn't a match, then length is set to 0
length = 0;
if (ok == 1 && stanga > 1)
//if there was a match but then two brackets of left side
//are encountered, then length = 0
Now I figured that here I am wrong. Given the input:
The right value should be 8, but my code encounters
two left values and sets the length to 0. I need to
find a way to determine if the substring is worth keeping
length = 0;
push(&left.data, a1);
if ('}' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type ||
')' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type ||
']' == ((Pair*)a1->info)->type){
//if it's a right bracket and there are elements in the left
//then i pop the first element fro the left stack and compare
//it to my current bracket
if(left.size != 0){
stanga = 0;
a2 = pop(&left.data);
//opposing is a function that returns 1 if
//i encounter something like () or [ ] or { }
//if the brackets are opposed, i increment the length
if (oposing(((Pair*)a2->info)->type, ((Pair*)a1->info)->type) == 1){
length += 2;
ok = 1;
//otherwise, it seems that I have run into a stopping
//point, so I'm emptying the left stack because those
//paranthesis are not of use anymore and I'm saving
//the maximum length acquired by now
if (oposing(((Pair*)a2->info)->type, ((Pair*)a1->info)->type) == 0){
ok = 0;
while(left.size > 0){
a2 = pop(&left.data);
if(length > max){
max = length;
length = 0;
//if i haven't encountered a stopping point, i just
//compare the length to my max and save it if it's bigger
if (length > max)
max = length;
//this line says that if the size of the left stack is 0 and
//i have encountered a right bracket, then I can't form a
//correct substring, so the length is 0
else length = 0;
は私の文字です。 ありがとうございました! その後編集: - 私はスタックとペアのための構造を追加している
typedef struct{
int id;
char type;
typedef struct cel{
void *info;
struct cel *urm;
}Celula, *TLista, **ALista;
typedef struct{
TLista data;
int size;
[mcve] ... – DevSolar
入力に中括弧以外の文字が含まれていますか? –
@KaidulIslamこんにちは、いいえ、私の入力は中括弧しか含んでいません。 –