2017-12-08 13 views




<table class="table" id="DataTables_Table_5"> 
    <thead style="display:none;"> 
    <tr role="row"> 
     <th name="date" scope="col" class="sorting_disabled commentDate" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 0px;">Invalid date</th> 
     <th name="user" scope="col" class="sorting_disabled commentUser" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 0px;">UserName</th> 
     <th name="comment" scope="col" class="sorting_disabled commentComment" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 0px;">Comment</th> 
    <tr role="row" class="odd"> 
     <td class=" commentDate">Fr 01 12, 2017</td> 
     <td class=" commentUser">Demo</td> 
     <td class=" commentComment">skvbgskjhbgswdjefv</td> 
    <tr role="row" class="even"> 
     <td class=" commentDate">Mo 04 12, 2017</td> 
     <td class=" commentUser">DEMO</td> 
     <td class=" commentComment">This issvgswrgwrgwrgwrg</td> 
    <tr role="row" class="odd"> 
     <td class=" commentDate">Mo 04 12, 2017</td> 
     <td class=" commentUser">DEMOoooo</td> 
     <td class=" commentComment">Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. </td> 
    <tr role="row" class="even"> 
     <td class=" commentDate">Mo 04 12, 2017</td> 
     <td class=" commentUser">DEMO DEMO</td> 
     <td class=" commentComment">This is a short comment after the super long comment</td> 


$(".commentDate").text()+ '\n' + $(".commentUser").text() + '\n\n' + $(".commentComment").text()+ '\n\n' 



あなたは、私はフィドルについてのことを嫌い、あなたのフィドル – j08691


AHでのjQueryを含めるのを忘れていました。私は代わりにブーツフイを入れた – zazvorniki




var rows = document.querySelectorAll('#DataTables_Table_5 tr'); 
var lines = []; 

// Read each row 
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { 
    var r = rows[ i ]; 
    // Read each cell 
    var cells = [].slice.call(r.querySelectorAll('td, th')) 
    .map(function(c) { return c.innerText }); 
    // Collect concatenated cells 

<table class="table" id="DataTables_Table_5"> 
    <thead style="display:none;"> 
    <tr role="row"> 
     <th name="date" scope="col" class="sorting_disabled commentDate" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 0px;">Invalid date</th> 
     <th name="user" scope="col" class="sorting_disabled commentUser" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 0px;">UserName</th> 
     <th name="comment" scope="col" class="sorting_disabled commentComment" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 0px;">Comment</th> 
    <tr role="row" class="odd"> 
     <td class=" commentDate">Fr 01 12, 2017</td> 
     <td class=" commentUser">Demo</td> 
     <td class=" commentComment">skvbgskjhbgswdjefv</td> 
    <tr role="row" class="even"> 
     <td class=" commentDate">Mo 04 12, 2017</td> 
     <td class=" commentUser">DEMO</td> 
     <td class=" commentComment">This issvgswrgwrgwrgwrg</td> 
    <tr role="row" class="odd"> 
     <td class=" commentDate">Mo 04 12, 2017</td> 
     <td class=" commentUser">DEMOoooo</td> 
     <td class=" commentComment">Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. Super long. Super aewsome. </td> 
    <tr role="row" class="even"> 
     <td class=" commentDate">Mo 04 12, 2017</td> 
     <td class=" commentUser">DEMO DEMO</td> 
     <td class=" commentComment">This is a short comment after the super long comment</td> 


ページ上のすべてのtrを選択しない方法がありますか?複数のテーブルがある場合はどうなりますか? – zazvorniki


私はちょうど私の答えを更新しました。テーブルのIDまたはクラス名をセレクタに追加できます。 – lumio


これはChromeで動作しますが、動作しません。 IEは内容やforループを好きではない – zazvorniki
