2016-04-19 11 views



21 10.3 70.32 09 
32 11.3 71.43 10 
33 15.4 75.00 00 
54 17.3 68.03 12 
95 19.2 65.02 21 
99 20.1 80.10 11 
and so on...... 

Where 1st column is the ID, 
     2nd column refers to x-axis, 
     3rd column refers to y-axis, 
     4th column refers to value 


10.10 70.12 10 
10.11 73.33 08 
11.05 72.40 00 
11.30 69.13 15 
12.00 64.02 27 
12.05 79.20 25 
13.10 80.32 10 
13.11 75.43 06 
14.05 74.00 02 
14.20 69.03 15 
16.40 65.02 13 
16.55 68.10 14 
and so on...... 

Where 1st column refers to x-axis, 
     2nd column refers to y-axis, 
     3rd column refers to value 


21 10.10 70.12 10 
32 11.05 71.40 10 
33 14.05 74.00 02 
54 16.55 68.10 14 
95 16.55 68.10 14 
99 16.55 68.10 14 

Where 1st column is the ID (taken from ifile1.txt), 
     2nd and 3rd column refers to x-axis and y-axis (taken from ifile2.txt which are the nearest to those of ifile1.txt), 
     4th column refers to corresponding value (taken from ifile2.txt) 


for each $1 in ifile1.txt, 
    for each $2 & $3 in ifile1.txt, 
    find a $2 & $3 in ifile2.txt such that 
     sqrt{[$2(ifile1.txt)-$2(ifile2.txt)]^2+[$3(ifile1.txt)-$3(ifile2.txt)]^2} is minimum for all $2 & $3 in ifile2.txt 
    find correcsponding $4 from ifile2.txt 
    write $1, $2, $3, $4 to ofile.txt 



これをシェルで書きますか? –


できませんか? – Kay


可能ですが、容易でも効率的でもありません。 –



ここではawkの簡単な解決法があります。私のLinuxでは正常に動作しました。 私の答えが役に立ったら、私の答えの左側にある灰色の目盛り記号をクリックしてください。

(($#!=2))&& { echo "Usage $0 1st_file 2nd_file"; exit 1; } 
awk ' 
BEGIN {p=fx=0; fn=""; maxd=1.1e11;} 
$0~"[^0-9. \t]" || NF!=4 && NF!=3 {next;}   # skip no data lines 
fn!=FILENAME {fx++; fn=FILENAME;}     # fx: which file 
fx==1 { if(NF!=3){printf("Change the series of two input files\n"); exit 1;} 
     x2[p]=$1; y2[p]=$2; d2[p++]=$3;next;}  # save the columns of first file 
fx==2 { mv=maxd; mp=0;        # search minimal distance 
      for(i=0; i<p; i++){ 
       dx=x2[i]-$2; dy=y2[i]-$3; dd=dx*dx+dy*dy; 
       if(dd<mv){mv=dd; mp=i;}    # min value & min place 
      printf("%3d %6.2f %6.2f %3d\n", $1, x2[mp], y2[mp], d2[mp]); 
' $2 $1            # first is the 2nd_file! 

ありがとうございました..このスクリプトはとてもうまく動作しています。私は数日以来、非常に努力していました。 – Kay
