私は、特定のデータフレームに対して、関数の最初の引数として列名を使用でき、列の値(特定の列の行値)を関数の第2引数。 2番目の引数の値は、スイッチ関数で設定された値に基づいて数値に変換されます。Rでapply関数を使用するには関数の引数の列名と値が同じ列に必要ですか?
# I also put print("ERROR in Question")) if there is no match at all
scoreraw <- function(Question, Answer) {
switch(Question, "Today is my favourite day?" =
{switch(Answer,"Strongly Agree" = 3,"Agree"= 2, "Disagree" = 1, "Strongly
Disagree" = 0)},
"I hate Tuesdays?"=
{switch(Answer,"Strongly Agree" = 0,"Agree"= 1, "Disagree" = 2, "Strongly
Disagree" = 3)},
print("ERROR in Question"))
# We expect the value to be 3 based on the Question and Answer argument
scoreraw("Today is my favourite day?","Strongly Agree")
# [1] 3
#Let us now create a dummy dataset of questions
x <- c("Strongly Agree","Agree","Disagree","Strongly Disagree")
y <- c("Strongly Agree","Agree","Disagree","Strongly Disagree")
c <- data.frame(x,y)
# Just changing the names to match the questions in the switch statement
colnames(c) <- c("Today is my favourite day?", "I hate Tuesdays?")
# The two factors were converted to characters since factors are treated as
# integers by default (I may be incorrect here)
c$`Today is my favourite day?` <- as.character(c$`Today is my favourite day`)
c$`I hate Tuesdays?` <- as.character(c$`I hate Tuesdays`)
# Today is my favourite day? I hate Tuesdays?
# 1 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
# 2 Agree Agree
# 3 Disagree Disagree
# 4 Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
# Today is my favourite day? I hate Tuesdays?
# 1 3 0
# 2 2 1
# 3 1 2
# 4 0 3
私の関数を適用した後のように見てみたいものです適用関数を使用しようとしましたが、問題は任意の列名を選択し、特定の列のすべての行の値に関数を適用する方法です。 。私は瞬間私は手動でカラム名と特定の行の値を選択して関数を適用することができます。能力のない
#Example of selecting column name and row value manually
# [1] 0
EDIT現在の作業コードは、私が今、どの列/ sまでscoreraw
# I also put print("ERROR in Question")) if there is no match at all
scoreraw <- function(Question, Answer) {
switch(Question, "Today is my favourite day?" =
{switch(Answer,"Strongly Agree" = 3,"Agree"= 2, "Disagree" = 1, "Strongly
Disagree" = 0)},
"I hate Tuesdays?"=
{switch(Answer,"Strongly Agree" = 0,"Agree"= 1, "Disagree" = 2, "Strongly
Disagree" = 3)},
print("ERROR in Question"))
#Let us now create a dummy dataset of questions
x <- c("Strongly Agree","Agree","Disagree","Strongly Disagree")
y <- c("Strongly Agree","Agree","Disagree","Strongly Disagree")
c <- data.frame(x,y)
# Just changing the names to match the questions in the switch statement
colnames(c) <- c("Today is my favourite day?", "I hate Tuesdays?")
# The two factors were converted to characters since factors are treated as
# integers by default (I may be incorrect here)
c$`Today is my favourite day?` <- as.character(c$`Today is my favourite
c$`I hate Tuesdays?` <- as.character(c$`I hate Tuesdays`)
call_scoreraw <- function(n, DF) {
sapply(DF[[n]], function(x) scoreraw(colnames(DF)[n], x))
#I included unlist as I noticed the output can also be a list
a <- unlist(call_scoreraw(1, c))
b <- as.data.frame(a)
call_scoreraw <- function(n, DF) {
Storage <- numeric(ncol(DF))
for (i in n:ncol(DF)){
Storage[i] <- sapply(DF[,i], function(x) scoreraw(colnames(DF)[i], x))
「scoreraw」関数にタイプミスがあります。「火曜日」ではなく、「tuesdays」でなければなりません。 –
ありがとう私は今、誤植を変更しました。 @RuiBarradas – MrReference