module async_sleep_test
open System
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Xml
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
Task.Factory.StartNew(fun() ->
printfn "going to sleep"
do! Async.Sleep(10000)
}, -1(*no timeout*), cts.Token)
printfn "sleep completed"
| :? OperationCanceledException ->
printfn "sleep aborted" // we will see it only after 10 sec.
| _ ->
printfn "sleep raised error"
) |> ignore
Thread.Sleep(100) // give time to the task to enter in sleep
Thread.Sleep(100) // give chance to the task to complete before print bye message
printfn "press any key to exit...."
Console.ReadKey(true) |> ignore
これは間違った動作だと思います。これはバグだとどのように思いますか?それは、キャンセルは、一般的にF#の非同期ワークフローで処理される方法から、次の -
static member SleepEx(milliseconds:int) = async{
let disp = new SerialDisposable()
use! ch = Async.OnCancel(fun()->disp.Dispose())
do! Async.FromContinuations(fun (success, error, cancel) ->
let timerSubscription = new SerialDisposable()
let CompleteWith =
let completed = ref 0
fun cont ->
if Interlocked.Exchange(completed, 1) = 0 then
try cont() with _->()
disp.Disposable <- Disposable.Create(fun()->
CompleteWith (fun()-> cancel(new OperationCanceledException()))
let tmr = new Timer(
callback = (fun state -> CompleteWith(success)),
state = null, dueTime = milliseconds, period = Timeout.Infinite
if tmr = null then
CompleteWith(fun()->error(new Exception("failed to create timer")))
timerSubscription.Disposable <- Disposable.Create(fun()->
try tmr.Dispose() with _ ->()