repeat floor(T/Q) times:
Process 1 runs (Q units of time)
Context switch to process 2 (S units of time)
Process 2 runs (Q units of time)
Context switch to process 1 (S units of time)
if T mod Q > 0
Process 1 runs (T mod Q units of time) then blocks to IO
CPU is idle (Q - T mod Q units of time)
Context switch to process 2 (S units of time)
Process 2 runs (T mod Q units of time) then blocks to IO
CPU is idle (Q - T mod Q units of time)
Context switch to process 1 (S units of time)
Total time elapsed = 2(Q+S)*ceiling(T/Q)
Total time processes were running = 2T
Efficiency = T/((Q+S)*ceiling(T/Q))
repeat floor(T/Q) times:
Process 1 runs (Q units of time)
Context switch to process 2 (S units of time)
Process 2 runs (Q units of time)
Context switch to process 1 (S units of time)
if T mod Q > 0
Process 1 runs (T mod Q units of time) then blocks to IO
Context switch to process 2 (S units of time)
Process 2 runs (T mod Q units of time) then blocks to IO
Context switch to process 1 (S units of time)
Total time elapsed = 2T + 2*S*ceiling(T/Q)
Total time processes were running = 2T
Efficiency = T/(T+S*ceiling(T/Q))
だから我々がブロックされたときにスケジューラが切り替わると仮定した場合、あなたが持っている答え天井()部分が欠落しています。 Tが常にQの倍数であると仮定すれば、それは必要でもありません。あなたの問題がそれについて何と言っているのかは分かりません。
私は説明を得ることができる場所からのリンク、私は、同じ質問を持っているあなたは私にいくつかの参照をお願いでき... – Rupesh