処理中にアンフォールディングマップを使用するアプリケーションで作業しています。以下はSimpleMapAppの展開 - 画像ファイルがありません
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/1/2.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/2/3.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/2/2.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/2/1.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/3/1.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/3/2.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/1/3.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/3/3.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/0/2.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/2/0.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/1/0.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/0/3.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/0/1.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/0/0.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/3/0.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
The file "http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/2/1/1.png" is missing or inaccessible, make sure the URL is valid or that the file has been added to your sketch and is readable.
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.*;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.geo.*;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.utils.*;
UnfoldingMap map;
void setup() {
size(800, 600, P2D);
map = new UnfoldingMap(this);
MapUtils.createDefaultEventDispatcher(this, map);
void draw() {
を展開からのサンプルコードである - それは、画像ファイルがされていると言うが移動した。私のローカルシステムでこれをダンプする必要がありますか?これはどのように作動しますか?これらのURLは展開を使用している他の人には有効ですか?
を追加し、 を変更した。このエラーは、まだ行われたときに展開アプリのテンプレートと、例HelloUnfoldingWorld .javaプログラム。だから私はリダイレクトがまだ起こっていないと思います。または、テンプレートの例では、リダイレクト – dirai