var rally = require('rally'),
restApi = rally({
user: 'userName', //required if no api key, defaults to process.env.RALLY_USERNAME
pass: 'password', //required if no api key, defaults to process.env.RALLY_PASSWORD
apiKey: 'XXXXX', //preferred, required if no user/pass, defaults to process.env.RALLY_API_KEY
apiVersion: 'v2.0', //this is the default and may be omitted
server: 'https://rally1.rallydev.com', //this is the default and may be omitted
requestOptions: {
headers: {
'X-RallyIntegrationName': 'My cool node.js program', //while optional, it is good practice to
'X-RallyIntegrationVendor': 'My company', //provide this header information
'X-RallyIntegrationVersion': '1.0'
//any additional request options (proxy options, timeouts, etc.)
type: 'hierarchicalrequirement', //the type to create
data: {
Name: 'RallYUS',
//the data with which to populate the new object
fetch: ['FormattedID'], //the fields to be returned on the created object
scope: {
//optional, only required if creating in non-default workspace
project: 'rally',
workspace: 'abcd'
requestOptions: {} //optional additional options to pass through to request
}, function(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
でなく、別のプロジェクトに次のコードを試してみました。私はプロジェクトの問題とイベントを修正しようとしていますが、ObjectIDとObject UUIDも入力されていますが、ユーザープロファイルに添付されている既定のプロジェクトでは作成を続けます。