2012-05-10 8 views





1a. If you are just using SQL Express on the local host and plan to 
use it under SQL Express on the host as well, you'll just need to 
FTP up the DB files along with all the other files. 
1b. If you'll be 
running the DB under a full SQL Server: Backup your database on your 
localhost, copy the DB backup to your host, and restore the database 
to the database server provided by the host. 
2. Create a blank website on the host. 
3. FTP all site files from your localhost to the root directory of your new website. 
4. Make sure the Network Service account has Full Access permissions to the root directory and all sub-directories. 
5. If you're using a full SQL Server, you'll need to update connection strings in the web.config to point to the restored DB and 
ensure you're using a user/login with read/write rights to the DB. 
6. Browse to the site. 



ありがとう、私はこの作品をした、私はちょうど知りたい、どのように私はweb.configファイルを復元するdbを指すように変更する必要がありますか? web.config内の – Arash


、SiteSqlServerを探して接続文字列を更新します。あなたは、DBサーバー名、データベース名、ユーザー名、およびパスワードを知る必要があります。 – EfficionDave
