from bokeh.plotting import figure, save
text = 'I eat rice'
p = figure(title="Bokeh Markers", toolbar_location=None)
p.text(50, 50, text=[text], text_color="firebrick", text_align="center", text_font_size="10pt")
save(p, filename='test.png')
C:\Users\~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\bokeh\ UserWarning: save() called but no resources were supplied and output_file(...) was never called, defaulting to resources.CDN
warnings.warn("save() called but no resources were supplied and output_file(...) was never called, defaulting to resources.CDN")
C:\Users\~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\bokeh\ UserWarning: save() called but no title was supplied and output_file(...) was never called, using default title 'Bokeh Plot'
warnings.warn("save() called but no title was supplied and output_file(...) was never called, using default title 'Bokeh Plot'")