var next; //initialize for interval
\t //paint random colored pattern on profile screen
\t function paintCanvas() {
\t \t const c = document.querySelector("#canvas");
\t \t const ctx = c.getContext("2d");
\t \t c.width = window.outerWidth;
\t \t const width = c.width;
\t \t const height = 612; //canvas height
\t \t const min = 0;
\t \t const max = width;
\t \t const yMid = height/2;
\t \t var y1 = yMid;
\t \t var y2 = yMid;
\t \t function getRandomColor(){
\t \t \t let r = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
\t \t \t let g = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
\t \t \t let b = Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
\t \t \t let color = `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, 0.5)`;
\t \t \t return color;
\t \t }
\t \t var x = 0;
\t \t function paint() {
\t \t \t if (x==(max/2)-2) {
\t \t \t \t clearInterval(next);
\t \t \t }
\t \t \t ctx.lineWidth = 4; //sets width of line
\t \t ctx.strokeStyle = getRandomColor(); //assigns random color
\t \t ctx.beginPath(); //start line
\t \t ctx.moveTo(x,y1); //moves the origin
\t \t ctx.lineTo(max-x,y2); //go to the bottom right corner
\t \t \t ctx.moveTo(x, y2);
\t \t \t ctx.lineTo(max-x, y1);
\t \t ctx.stroke();
\t \t
\t \t if(y1==0) {
\t \t \t x++;
\t \t } else {
\t \t \t y1--;
\t \t \t y2++;
\t \t }
\t }
\t \t next = setInterval(paint, 0.05);
\t }
\t paintCanvas();
main {
position: relative;
#canvas {
\t position: absolute;
\t top:0;
\t left:0;
\t width: 100%;
\t z-index: 0;
<main id="#top" role="main">
<canvas id="canvas" width="100%" height = "612px"></canvas>