2017-10-04 21 views




Notice: post was called incorrectly. Product properties should not be accessed directly. Backtrace: require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-includes/template-loader.php'), include('/themes/barbuto/page.php'), WC_Abstract_Legacy_Product->__get, wc_doing_it_wrong Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.0.) in /home/public_html/dev/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4139 


get_header(); ?> 

<?php if(is_front_page()){ ?> 

<!-- start of banner --> 
     <div class="banner" style="background: url('<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID)); ?>') no-repeat scroll center center transparent;"> 
<!-- end of banner --> 

<div class="wrapper"> 
<ul class="products"> 
     $args = array('post_type' => 'product', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'meta_key' => '_featured', 'meta_value' => 'yes', ); 
     $loop = new WP_Query($args); 
     echo "<h1>"; count($loop); echo "</h1>"; 
     while ($loop->have_posts()) : $loop->the_post(); global $product; global $woocommerce; ?> 

     <div class="product_featured_img <?php echo $loop->post->ID; ?> <?php if(($loop->post->ID == '405') || ($loop->post->ID == '72')){ echo 'bottol';} ?>"> 
      <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($loop->post->ID) ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr($loop->post->post_title ? $loop->post->post_title : $loop->post->ID); ?>"> 
      <?php woocommerce_show_product_sale_flash($post, $product); ?> 
      <?php if (has_post_thumbnail($loop->post->ID)) echo get_the_post_thumbnail($loop->post->ID, 'large'); else echo '<img src="'.woocommerce_placeholder_img_src().'" alt="Placeholder" />'; ?> 
    <div class="bottol_text product_featured_content"> 
     <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($loop->post->ID) ?>" 
     title="<?php echo esc_attr($loop->post->post_title ? $loop->post->post_title : $loop->post->ID); ?>"> 
      <?php the_title(); ?> 

     //$text_length = count($product->post->post_content); 
     //if($text_length > 1000){ 
     // echo substr($product->post->post_content,0,2000).'...'; 
          /*} else { */ 
     echo $product->post->post_content; 

     <?php if (is_user_logged_in()) { ?> 
     <p class="price"><?php echo $product->get_price_html(); ?></p> 
     <div class="add_box"> 
     <a class="add_to_cart_button button product_type_simple" data-product_sku="<?php echo $product->get_sku(); ?>" data-product_id="<?php echo $loop->post->ID;?>" rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo $product->add_to_cart_url(); ?>" > add to cart </a> 
     <?php }else{echo '<a href="' . get_permalink(wc_get_page_id('myaccount')) . '">' . __('PLEASE LOGIN/REGISTER TO VIEW PRICES', 'theme_name') . '</a>';}?> 


    <?php endwhile; ?> 
    <?php wp_reset_query(); ?> 

と、この行echo $product->post->post_content;
を交換してください: 'エコー$製品 - >ポスト> POST_CONTENT;'通知が消えませんか? – Und3rTow


@ Und3rTow nopしかし、この行を変更して修正しました。echo $ product-> post-> post_content;この行にecho $ loop-> post-> post_content; \t、$ product iのinstedが$ loopを書いていて、それが働いています。ありがとうございますtho –

