2016-12-22 8 views

私はスクリプトを作成するのが初めてですが、私はGoogleシートにある500以上のメールにメッセージを送信するスクリプトを作成しようとしています。私はGoogleチュートリアルで見つけたコードをコピーして、それを自分のシートの適切な列に調整し、リンク付きの書式付き電子メールメッセージを挿入しようとしました。私のカスタムメッセージを追加するまでは問題なく動作しましたが、引数リストの後にエラーメッセージ "Missing"が表示されます(行28、ファイル "コード")。 28行目は "MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress、subject、message);"Googleシートのメールスクリプトのエラー



function sendEmails2() { 
    var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); 
    var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process 
    var numRows = 523; // Number of rows to process 
    // Fetch the range of cells A2:F523 
    var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 523) 
    // Fetch values for each row in the Range. 
    var data = dataRange.getValues(); 
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { 
    var row = data[i]; 
    var firstName = row[1]; 
    var emailAddress = row[5]; // Sixth column 
    var message = <p>"Hi " + firstName + ",/n Are you looking for new ways to integrate technology into your lessons? Heartland AEA is offering a FREE professional development opportunity focused on integrating technology into Social Studies instruction. As part of our Technology Integration and Collaboration (TIC) series, this session will provide a free opportunity for educators from throughout Heartland's area to learn from exemplary teachers while collaborating with others who are passionate about education, technology, and social studies. We have a great lineup of presenters and would love to have as many educators as possible in attendance. If you are unable to attend in person, please consider participating through the livestream via Zoom.</p> + 
<p>Whether you plan to attend in person or via Zoom, please '<a href=\"' + 'https://prodev.aeapdonline.org/4DCGI/TE099892111701INV&*' + '>register</a> in advance. More information about this and other upcoming TIC sessions can be found on the '<a href=\"' + 'https://sites.google.com/a/heartlandaea.org/heartland-tic/home' + '>TIC website</a>.</p> + 
<p>Topic: 6-12 Social Studies: Quality Instruction Using Technology</p> + 
<p>Date: January 12, 2017 </p> + 
<p>Time: 8:30am - 11:30am </p> + 
<p>Location: Johnston AEA</p> + 
<p>To Register: '<a href=\"' + 'https://prodev.aeapdonline.org/4DCGI/TE099892111701INV&*' + '>Click Here</a>. It is FREE!</p> + 
<p>Zoom Link: '<a href=\"' + 'https://heartlandaea.zoom.us/j/804914526' + '>https://heartlandaea.zoom.us/j/804914526</a> </p> + 
<p>If you are unable to attend virtually or in person, we will post videos of each presentation to '<a href=\"' + 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRAy7hvczWAXWKj4b6buttfLsGWLKGP8s' + '>Heartland’s YouTube Channel</a> a few days after this session. </p> + 
<p>Please pass this information on to all Social Studies teachers in your district or others in your building that might be interested in attending."</p>; 

var emailSent = row[7];  // Seventh column 
if (emailSent != EMAIL_SENT) { // Prevents sending duplicates 
    var subject = "Technology in Social Studies PD"; 
    MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message); 
    sheet.getRange(startRow + i, 8).setValue(EMAIL_SENT); 
    // Make sure the cell is updated right away in case the script is interrupted 





MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, "", {htmlBody: message}); 


var message = "<p>Hi " + firstName + ",/n Are you looking for new ways to integrate technology into your lessons?" 
+ "Heartland AEA is offering a FREE professional development opportunity focused on integrating technology into Social Studies instruction. As part of our Technology Integration and Collaboration (TIC) series, this session will provide a free opportunity for educators from throughout Heartland's area to learn from exemplary teachers while collaborating with others who are passionate about education, technology, and social studies. We have a great lineup of presenters and would love to have as many educators as possible in attendance. If you are unable to attend in person, please consider participating through the livestream via Zoom.</p>" 
+ "<p>Whether you plan to attend in person or via Zoom, please '<a href=\"' + 'https://prodev.aeapdonline.org/4DCGI/TE099892111701INV&*' + '>register</a> in advance. More information about this and other upcoming TIC sessions can be found on the '<a href=\"' + 'https://sites.google.com/a/heartlandaea.org/heartland-tic/home' + '>TIC website</a>.</p>" 
+ "<p>Topic: 6-12 Social Studies: Quality Instruction Using Technology</p>" 
+ "<p>Date: January 12, 2017 </p>" 
+ "<p>Time: 8:30am - 11:30am </p>" 
+ "<p>Location: Johnston AEA</p>" 
+ "<p>To Register: '<a href=\"' + 'https://prodev.aeapdonline.org/4DCGI/TE099892111701INV&*' + '>Click Here</a>. It is FREE!</p>" 
+ "<p>Zoom Link: '<a href=\"' + 'https://heartlandaea.zoom.us/j/804914526' + '>https://heartlandaea.zoom.us/j/804914526</a> </p>" 
+ "<p>If you are unable to attend virtually or in person, we will post videos of each presentation to '<a href=\"' + 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRAy7hvczWAXWKj4b6buttfLsGWLKGP8s' + '>Heartland’s YouTube Channel</a> a few days after this session. </p>" 
+ "<p>Please pass this information on to all Social Studies teachers in your district or others in your building that might be interested in attending.</p>"; 

ありがとう!私はリンクをメッセージの中で動かすためにもう少し周りを遊ばなければならなかったが、私はそれを得た。 –