# Welcome to Jekyll!
# Website settings
title: Jalpc
description: Jack's blog,use Jekyll and github pages.
keywords: Jack,Jalpc,blog,Jekyll,github,gh-pages
baseurl: /JalpC# if you have suburl as homepage like '/homepage', please change it to '/homepage' and your repo's name should be 'homepage'
url: http://jarrekk.github.io/Jalpc # url should be changed to 'http://www.jack003.com/homepage' as before
# url:
img_path: /Jalpc/static/assets/img/blog # url should be changed to '/homepage/static/assets/img/blog' as before
# author -- index page "about me" section
author: # change following line to your infomation.
name: GitHub # Be used at blog posts' author.
first_name: Hub # Be used at index page about me section.
last_name: Git # Be used at index page about me section.
cv: http://cv.jack003.com # A online CV can be printed as PDF, leave blank if you don't have now
email: [email protected] # Leave blank if you don't have now
facebook_username: jiakunnj # Leave blank if you don't have now
github_username: jarrekk # Leave blank if you don't have now
avatar: /static/assets/img/landing/avatar.jpg # upload your avatar at directory and edit it.
- name: icon-apache
- name: fa-linux
- name: fa-linux
- name: icon-apache
desc: Introduce myself will be here.
# comment
disqus: # if you wanna comment feature, go to https://disqus.com/ to get your configuration; if not, comment following two lines.
name: jalpc
public_key: tj2MPaNlHMONwTH5bGDNSXyaBpW7q282MeUzh5CwcjJerNhK8Kxk3aWo7IckzTX7
# analytics
## google analytics
ga: # if you wanna this feature, go to https://www.google.com/analytics/ to get your configuration; if not, comment following line.
# id:
## growingIO
gio: # if you wanna this feature, go to https://www.growingio.com/ to get your configuration; if not, comment following line.
# id:
## donation
donation: on # type 'on'/'off' to choice display donation button at post page or not
# Build settings
encoding: utf-8
# other settings
highlighter: rouge
markdown: kramdown
input: GFM
syntax_highlighter: rouge
datatalking/yourdatatalking.github.ioは空ですか? – marcanuy