public class WhackAMole {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int score;
int molesLeft;
int attemptsLeft;
char [][]moleGrid=new char[10][10];
int numAttempts; //is this needed
int gridDimensions; // is this also needed
/*Multiple markers at this line
- Syntax error on token "int", delete this token
- Syntax error, insert ";" to complete Statement
- Syntax error on token "int", delete this token
- numAttempts cannot be resolved to a variable
- gridDimensions cannot be resolved to a variable
- Syntax error on token "int", delete this token
- The method WhackAMole(int, int) is undefined for the type
WhackAMole(int numAttempts, int gridDimensions) {
this.numAttempts=numAttempts ; //error-cannot use this in static content
this.gridDimensions=gridDimensions ; // error-cannot use this in static content
コードの下に使用してください。 'int gridDimensions;の後に'} 'を追加し、下から1'} 'を削除します。 –
コンストラクタとフィールドを 'main'から移動する必要があります – QBrute
メソッドとコンストラクタを混合しています。 –