にここで「キャンバス」のアニメーション で私を助けてくださいは例です:http://codepen.io/anon/pen/jqxVOR?editors=0010全幅キャンバスアニメーション
function initPlasma()
/* MATH FUNCTIONS ------------------------------ */
function MathUtil() {}
MathUtil.getDistance = function (a, b) {
return Math.abs(Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b));
MathUtil.randRangeDecimel = function (min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
/* GRID CELL CLASS ------------------------------ */
var Cell = function(x, y, w, h) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
Cell.prototype.update = function(r, g, b) {
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
Cell.prototype.draw = function() {
if(!plasma) return;
// get color, based on distance
var ctrlPt1 = MathUtil.getDistance(this.x - plasma.controlPoints[0].x, this.y - plasma.controlPoints[0].y);
var ctrlPt2 = MathUtil.getDistance(this.x - plasma.controlPoints[1].x, this.y - plasma.controlPoints[1].y);
var ctrlPt3 = MathUtil.getDistance(this.x - plasma.controlPoints[2].x, this.y - plasma.controlPoints[2].y);
var rVal = .5+.5*Math.sin(this.r) * Math.cos(ctrlPt1/100) * Math.cos(ctrlPt2/100) * Math.sin(ctrlPt3/100);
var gVal = .2+.5*Math.sin(this.g) * Math.sin(ctrlPt1/100) * Math.sin(ctrlPt2/100) * Math.sin(ctrlPt3/100);
var bVal = .2+.5*Math.cos(this.b) * Math.sin(ctrlPt1/100) * Math.cos(ctrlPt2/100) * Math.sin(ctrlPt3/100)
// draw pixel to canvas
plasma.context.fillStyle = "rgb("+ Math.round(127 + rVal * 255) +","+ Math.round(127 + gVal * 255) +","+ Math.round(127 + bVal * 255) +")";
plasma.context.fillRect (this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
/* CONTROL POINT CLASS ------------------------------ */
var ControlPoint = function(canvasW, canvasH) {
// create random x,y starting point
this.incX = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(0, 2 * Math.PI);
this.incY = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(0, 2 * Math.PI);
// create random x,y oscillating speed
this.incXSpeed = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(.01, .05);
this.incYSpeed = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(.01, .05);
// store center point to oscillate around
this.centerX = canvasW/2;
this.centerY = canvasH/2;
ControlPoint.prototype.update = function() {
// increment oscillating based on randomly-calculated speed
this.incX += this.incXSpeed;
this.incY += this.incYSpeed;
// update coordinate
this.x = this.centerX + this.centerX * Math.sin(this.incX);
this.y = this.centerY + this.centerY * Math.sin(this.incY);
/* PLASMA CLASS ------------------------------ */
var Plasma = function() {
this.COLS = 50;
this.ROWS = 50;
this.CANVAS_W = 700;
this.CANVAS_H = 700;
this.FPS = 1000/30;
this.startR = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(0,2*Math.PI);
this.startG = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(0,2*Math.PI);
this.startB = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(0,2*Math.PI);
this.startIncR = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(.001,.05);
this.startIncG = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(.001,.05);
this.startIncB = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(.001,.05);
this.incR = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(.0001,.001);
this.incG = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(.0001,.001);
this.incB = MathUtil.randRangeDecimel(.0001,.001);
var self = this;
setInterval(function(){ self.update(); }, this.FPS);
Plasma.prototype.buildStage = function() {
// create and attach canvas element
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas.width = this.CANVAS_W;
this.canvas.height = this.CANVAS_H;
// store graphical context
this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
Plasma.prototype.createGrid = function() {
// calculate "pixel" size
var boxW = this.CANVAS_W/this.COLS;
var boxH = this.CANVAS_H/this.ROWS;
// create 2D array of grid cells
this.grid = new Array(this.COLS);
for(var i = 0; i < this.COLS; i++) {
this.grid[ i ] = new Array(this.ROWS)
for(var j = 0; j < this.ROWS; j++) {
this.grid[ i ][ j ] = new Cell(i * boxW, j * boxH, boxW, boxH);
Plasma.prototype.createControlPoints = function() {
this.controlPoints = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.NUM_CONTROL_POINTS; i++) {
this.controlPoints.push(new ControlPoint(this.CANVAS_W, this.CANVAS_H));
Plasma.prototype.addSaveFunctionality = function() {
var self = this;
this.canvas.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
}, false);
Plasma.prototype.update = function() {
// increment the starting colors
this.startR += this.startIncR;
var curR = this.startR;
this.startG += this.startIncG;
var curG = this.startG;
this.startB += this.startIncB;
var curB = this.startB;
// update control points
for (var i = 0; i < this.NUM_CONTROL_POINTS; i++) {
// increment grid cells and draw to canvas
for (var i = 0; i < this.COLS; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.ROWS; j++) {
// send new base color to cells
this.grid[i][j].update(curR, curG, curB);
// increment color as we traverse the grid
curR += this.incR;
curG += this.incG * 3;
curB += this.incB;
// kick off the plasma controller
var plasma = new Plasma();
このフォークをチェックしてください:フルスクリーンとピクセル効果を減らすオプションを追加するコードを追加しました。 http://codepen.io/anon/pen/ZWoLeX?editors=0010私が作ったすべての変更にいくつかのコメントを追加しました –
ありがとう!はい、それは完全にフルスクリーンで動作していますが、それでもピクセル化されています。 – Vitality
は、コードに入れたQUALITY変数で再生されます。これを1に設定すると最高画質になりますが、ゼロピクセル効果を意味しますが、非GPUレンダリングでは遅くなることがあります。 –