2017-08-05 15 views

私は、ゲームのビュー(スタータービュー)から画面を表示し続けるゲームビューに移行しようとすると、ゲームのpygameのMVC arquitectureを使用しています変更する代わりにメニュービュー。ここで[Pygame]:ゲームの表示は変更されません



class MainDisplay: 
    # Handles current view and all it's events and acts as broker between views 
    def __init__(self, view): 
     self.current_view = view 

    def draw(self): 

    def functions(self): 

class MenuDisplay: 
    # Menu View 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.button = pygame.image.load("src/trans-button.png") 
     self.button = pygame.transform.scale(self.button, (display_width - 84, 70)) 
     self.start_button = self.button 
     self.tutorial_button = self.button 
     self.top10_button = self.button 
     self.salir_button = self.button 
     self.initial_pos = 220 
     self.event_i = self.event_g = self.event_t = self.event_e = False 
     self.text_color = (255,255,0) 

    def checkSelection(self, posX, startPosY, endPosY): 
     # We get the mouse coordinates 
     self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() 

     # Then proceed to evaluate it position in relation with the buttons 
     if(self.mouse_x >= posX and self.mouse_x <= self.button.get_width() + posX and self.mouse_y >= startPosY and self.mouse_y <= endPosY): 
      return True 

    def functions(self): 
     # We set the initial position to it's default 
     self.initial_pos = 220 

     # checkSelection(posX, startPosY, endPosY) 
     self.event_i = self.checkSelection(42, self.initial_pos, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()) 
     self.event_e = self.checkSelection(42, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*3 + 75, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*4 + 75) 

     if self.event_i: 
      print 'Begin' 
      current_display = GameDisplay() 
     if self.event_e: 

     self.event_i = self.event_g = self.event_t = self.event_e = False 

    def drawButtons(self): 
     # Draws the button elements from the Menu view 
     self.initial_pos = 220 

     window.blit(self.start_button, (42,self.initial_pos)) 
     window.blit(self.tutorial_button, (42,self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height() + 25)) 
     window.blit(self.top10_button, (42,self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*2 + 50)) 
     window.blit(self.salir_button, (42,self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*3 + 75)) 

    def drawText(self): 
     # Draws the texts elements for the buttons 
     self.initial_pos = 220 + 25 

     # Setting Text 
     self.start_text = 'Inicar Partida' 
     self.tutorial_text = 'Como Jugar' 
     self.top10_text = 'Top 10' 
     self.salir_text = 'Salir del Juego' 

     # Setting Font 
     self.myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Verdana", 19) 

     # Render Text 
     self.start = self.myfont.render(self.start_text, 1, self.text_color) 
     self.tutorial = self.myfont.render(self.tutorial_text, 1, self.text_color) 
     self.top10 = self.myfont.render(self.top10_text, 1, self.text_color) 
     self.salir = self.myfont.render(self.salir_text, 1, self.text_color) 

     # Ajustamos la posicion XY del texto para que este en el medio del boton 
     self.textPosX = (display_width/2) - (self.start.get_width()/2) - 21 
     self.textPosY = self.initial_pos - 5 

     window.blit(self.start, (self.textPosX,self.textPosY)) 

     self.textPosX = (display_width/2) - (self.tutorial.get_width()/2) - 21 

     window.blit(self.tutorial, (self.textPosX, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height() + 25 -5)) 

     self.textPosX = (display_width/2) - (self.top10.get_width()/2) - 21 

     window.blit(self.top10, (self.textPosX, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*2 + 50 -5)) 

     self.textPosX = (display_width/2) - (self.salir.get_width()/2) - 21 

     window.blit(self.salir, (self.textPosX, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*3 + 75 -5)) 

    def drawAll(self): 
     # Executes all the draw functions 

class GameDisplay(): 
    # Game view 
    def __init__(self): 
     print 'Hello World' 
     self.button = pygame.image.load("src/trans-button.png") 
     self.button = pygame.transform.scale(self.button, ((display_width/2) - 40, 65)) 
     self.return_button = pygame.transform.scale(self.button, (75, 20)) 
     self.event_r = False 

    def drawButtons(self): 

     self.initial_pos_y = 0 
     self.initial_pos_x = display_width - 75 

     window.blit(self.return_button, (initial_pos_y, initial_pos_x)) 

    def drawAll(self): 
     # Executes all the draw functions 

    def checkSelection(self, posX, startPosY, endPosY): 
     # We get the mouse coordinates 
     self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() 

     # Then proceed to evaluate it position in relation with the buttons 
     if(self.mouse_x >= posX and self.mouse_x <= self.button.get_width() + posX and self.mouse_y >= startPosY and self.mouse_y <= endPosY): 
      return True 

    def functions(self): 
     # We set the initial position to it's default 
     self.initial_pos_y = 0 
     self.initial_pos_x = display_width - 75 

     # checkSelection(posX, startPosY, endPosY) 
     self.event_r = self.checkSelection(initial_pos_x, self.initial_pos_y, self.initial_pos_y - self.return_button.get_height()) 


# Setting up Display 
current_display = MainDisplay(MenuDisplay()) 




def functions(self): 
    # We set the initial position to it's default 
    self.initial_pos = 220 

    # checkSelection(posX, startPosY, endPosY) 
    self.event_i = self.checkSelection(42, self.initial_pos, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()) 
    self.event_e = self.checkSelection(42, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*3 + 75, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*4 + 75) 

    if self.event_i: 
     print 'Begin' 
     current_display = GameDisplay() 
    if self.event_e: 

    self.event_i = self.event_g = self.event_t = self.event_e = False 

def checkSelection(self, posX, startPosY, endPosY): 
     # We get the mouse coordinates 
     self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() 

     # Then proceed to evaluate it position in relation with the buttons 
     if(self.mouse_x >= posX and self.mouse_x <= self.button.get_width() + posX and self.mouse_y >= startPosY and self.mouse_y <= endPosY): 
      return True 

イベントが確実に発生するように、私はデバッグ用のプリントを追加しました。 GameDisplay __ init __は動作しますが、 'Hello World'メッセージは表示されますが、UIビューは変更されません。




import pygame 
import sys 
from random import randint 


class MainDisplay: 
    # Handles current view and all it's events and acts as broker between views 
    def __init__(self, view): 
     self.current_view = view 

    def draw(self): 

    def functions(self): 

class MenuDisplay: 
    # Menu View 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.button = pygame.image.load("src/trans-button.png") 
     self.button = pygame.transform.scale(self.button, (display_width - 84, 70)) 
     self.start_button = self.button 
     self.tutorial_button = self.button 
     self.top10_button = self.button 
     self.salir_button = self.button 
     self.initial_pos = 220 
     self.event_i = self.event_g = self.event_t = self.event_e = False 
     self.text_color = (255,255,0) 

    def checkSelection(self, posX, startPosY, endPosY): 
     # We get the mouse coordinates 
     self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() 

     # Then proceed to evaluate it position in relation with the buttons 
     if(self.mouse_x >= posX and self.mouse_x <= self.button.get_width() + posX and self.mouse_y >= startPosY and self.mouse_y <= endPosY): 
      return True 

    def functions(self): 
     # We set the initial position to it's default 
     self.initial_pos = 220 

     # checkSelection(posX, startPosY, endPosY) 
     self.event_i = self.checkSelection(42, self.initial_pos, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()) 
     self.event_e = self.checkSelection(42, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*3 + 75, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*4 + 75) 

     if self.event_i: 
      print 'Begin' 
      current_display = GameDisplay() 
     if self.event_e: 

     self.event_i = self.event_g = self.event_t = self.event_e = False 

    def drawButtons(self): 
     # Draws the button elements from the Menu view 
     self.initial_pos = 220 

     window.blit(self.start_button, (42,self.initial_pos)) 
     window.blit(self.tutorial_button, (42,self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height() + 25)) 
     window.blit(self.top10_button, (42,self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*2 + 50)) 
     window.blit(self.salir_button, (42,self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*3 + 75)) 

    def drawText(self): 
     # Draws the texts elements for the buttons 
     self.initial_pos = 220 + 25 

     # Setting Text 
     self.start_text = 'Inicar Partida' 
     self.tutorial_text = 'Como Jugar' 
     self.top10_text = 'Top 10' 
     self.salir_text = 'Salir del Juego' 

     # Setting Font 
     self.myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Verdana", 19) 

     # Render Text 
     self.start = self.myfont.render(self.start_text, 1, self.text_color) 
     self.tutorial = self.myfont.render(self.tutorial_text, 1, self.text_color) 
     self.top10 = self.myfont.render(self.top10_text, 1, self.text_color) 
     self.salir = self.myfont.render(self.salir_text, 1, self.text_color) 

     # Ajustamos la posicion XY del texto para que este en el medio del boton 
     self.textPosX = (display_width/2) - (self.start.get_width()/2) - 21 
     self.textPosY = self.initial_pos - 5 

     window.blit(self.start, (self.textPosX,self.textPosY)) 

     self.textPosX = (display_width/2) - (self.tutorial.get_width()/2) - 21 

     window.blit(self.tutorial, (self.textPosX, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height() + 25 -5)) 

     self.textPosX = (display_width/2) - (self.top10.get_width()/2) - 21 

     window.blit(self.top10, (self.textPosX, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*2 + 50 -5)) 

     self.textPosX = (display_width/2) - (self.salir.get_width()/2) - 21 

     window.blit(self.salir, (self.textPosX, self.initial_pos + self.button.get_height()*3 + 75 -5)) 

    def drawAll(self): 
     # Executes all the draw functions 

class GameDisplay(): 
    # Game view 
    def __init__(self): 
     print 'Hello World' 
     self.button = pygame.image.load("src/trans-button.png") 
     self.button = pygame.transform.scale(self.button, ((display_width/2) - 40, 65)) 
     self.return_button = pygame.transform.scale(self.button, (75, 20)) 
     self.event_r = False 

    def drawButtons(self): 

     self.initial_pos_y = 0 
     self.initial_pos_x = display_width - 75 

     window.blit(self.return_button, (initial_pos_y, initial_pos_x)) 

    def drawAll(self): 
     # Executes all the draw functions 

    def checkSelection(self, posX, startPosY, endPosY): 
     # We get the mouse coordinates 
     self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() 

     # Then proceed to evaluate it position in relation with the buttons 
     if(self.mouse_x >= posX and self.mouse_x <= self.button.get_width() + posX and self.mouse_y >= startPosY and self.mouse_y <= endPosY): 
      return True 

    def functions(self): 
     # We set the initial position to it's default 
     self.initial_pos_y = 0 
     self.initial_pos_x = display_width - 75 

     # checkSelection(posX, startPosY, endPosY) 
     self.event_r = self.checkSelection(initial_pos_x, self.initial_pos_y, self.initial_pos_y - self.return_button.get_height()) 

# Display Settings 
display_width = 830 
display_height = 625 

window = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width, display_height)) 

pygame.display.set_caption("This is my Game") 

clock = pygame.time.Clock() 

# Background Settings 
background = pygame.image.load("src/background.jpg") 
background = pygame.transform.scale(background, (display_width, display_height)) 

# Setting up Display 
current_display = MainDisplay(MenuDisplay()) 

crashed = False 

# Game Loop 
while not crashed: 
    for event in pygame.event.get(): 
     if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 
      crashed = True 
     if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: 

    window.blit(background, (0,0)) 

#End Game 

MainDisplayクラスを再度初期化するのではなく、GameDisplayをパラメータとして渡すupdateViewsという関数を追加しました。 –


あなたの質問は答えとしてではなく、コメントとして答えてください。 – ppperry


