'use strict'
class UserController {
* login (request, response) {
const email = request.input('email')
const password = request.input('password')
const login = yield request.auth.attempt(email, password)
if (login) {
response.send('Logged In Successfully')
response.unauthorized('Invalid credentails')
* profile (request, response) {
const user = yield request.auth.getUser()
if (user) {
response.unauthorized('You must login to view your profile')
\t }
以下に設定/ auth.jsするconfig
'use strict'
const Config = use('Config')
module.exports = {
| Authenticator
| Authenticator is a combination of HTTP Authentication scheme and the
| serializer to be used for retrieving users. Below is the default
| authenticator to be used for every request.
| Available Schemes - basic, session, jwt, api
| Available Serializers - Lucid, Database
authenticator: 'session',
| Session Authenticator
| Session authenticator will make use of sessions to maintain the login
| state for a given user.
session: {
serializer: 'Lucid',
model: 'App/Model/User',
scheme: 'session',
uid: 'email',
password: 'password'
| Basic Auth Authenticator
| Basic Authentication works on Http Basic auth header.
basic: {
serializer: 'Lucid',
model: 'App/Model/User',
scheme: 'basic',
uid: 'email',
password: 'password'
| JWT Authenticator
| Jwt authentication works with a payload sent with every request under
| Http Authorization header.
jwt: {
serializer: 'Lucid',
model: 'App/Model/User',
scheme: 'jwt',
uid: 'email',
password: 'password',
secret: Config.get('app.appKey')
| API Authenticator
| Api authenticator authenticates are requests based on Authorization
| header.
| Make sure to define relationships on User and Token model as defined
| in documentation
api: {
serializer: 'Lucid',
model: 'App/Model/Token',
scheme: 'api'
以下れるコンフィグ/ database.js
'use strict'
const Env = use('Env')
const Helpers = use('Helpers')
module.exports = {
| Default Connection
| Connection defines the default connection settings to be used while
| interacting with SQL databases.
connection: Env.get('DB_CONNECTION', 'pg'),
| Sqlite
| Sqlite is a flat file database and can be good choice under development
| environment.
| npm i --save sqlite3
sqlite: {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: Helpers.databasePath('development.sqlite')
useNullAsDefault: true
| Here we define connection settings for MySQL database.
| npm i --save mysql
mysql: {
client: 'mysql',
connection: {
host: Env.get('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
user: Env.get('DB_USER', 'root'),
password: Env.get('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
database: Env.get('DB_DATABASE', 'adonis')
| PostgreSQL
| Here we define connection settings for PostgreSQL database.
| npm i --save pg
pg: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host: Env.get('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
user: Env.get('DB_USER', 'correctuser'),
password: Env.get('DB_PASSWORD', 'correctpassword'),
database: Env.get('DB_DATABASE', 'correctdb')
私はちょうどadonisが合法的に見えると思っています..私はadonisのために急行を急ぐように感じます:D – MilkyWayJoe