this siteのRコードの例に従ってみようとしていますが、 。rowMeansのエラー(結果、na.rm = T): 'x'は少なくとも2つのディメンションの配列でなければなりません
>Results = RS_simulation(sims=5, params=params, budget=3000, designtype = "one factor", nmax = 20, nmin = 5, program="DESeq")
[1] "DESeq"
> plot(rownames(results),rowMeans(results, na.rm=T), main="DESeq simulations on Bottomly Dataset", xlab = "number of replicates", ylab = "Power")
Error in rowMeans(results, na.rm = T) :
'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions
> plot(rownames(results),rowMeans(results[, na.rm=T, drop=FALSE]), main="DESeq simulations on Bottomly Dataset", xlab = "number of replicates", ylab = "Power", drop=FALSE)
Error in results[, na.rm = T, drop = FALSE] :
object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
ありがとうございました。頭痛 – Labrat