2012-03-15 13 views



Sub ExtractImagesFromPres() 
On Error GoTo ErrorExtract 
Dim oSldSource As Slide 
Dim oShpSource As Shape 
Dim ImgCtr As Integer 
Dim SldCtr As Integer 
Dim ShapeNameArray() As String 
Dim oPP As Object 
Dim SrcDir As String 
Dim SrcFile As String 
'File naming variables 
Dim PPLongLanguageCode As String 
Dim PPShortLanguageCode As String 
Dim FNShort As String 
Dim FNLong As String 
Dim PPLanguageParts1() As String 
Dim PPLanguageParts2() As String 
Dim FNLanguageParts() As String 

SrcDir = PickDir()  'call the PickDir() function to choose a directory to work from 
If SrcDir = "" Then Exit Sub 

SrcFile = SrcDir & "\" & Dir(SrcDir + "\*.pptx") 'complete directory path of ppt to be split 

Set oPP = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")  'open ppt containing slides with images/text to be exported 
ActivePresentation = oPP.Presentations.Open(SrcFile, False, False, True) 

ImgCtr = 0 'Image and Slide counter for error messages 
SldCtr = 1 

ReDim ShapeNameArray(1 To 1) As String 'initialize ShapeNameArray to avoid null array errors 

For Each oSldSource In ActivePresentation.Slides 
    For Each oShpSource In oSldSource.Shapes 'loop each shape within each slide 
     If oShpSource.Type <> msoPlaceholder Then 'if shape is not filename placeholder then add it's name to ShapeNameArray 
      ShapeNameArray(UBound(ShapeNameArray)) = oShpSource.Name 
      ReDim Preserve ShapeNameArray(1 To UBound(ShapeNameArray) + 1) As String 'need to add one to array for new shape name 
      ElseIf oShpSource.Type = msoPlaceholder Then 'is shape is filename placeholder then check to see if not empty 
       If oShpSource.TextFrame.TextRange.Length = 0 Then 
        MsgBox "The filename is missing on Slide:" & SldCtr & vbNewLine & _ 
        "Please enter the correct filname and re-run this macro" 
        Exit Sub 
       End If 
       PPLanguageParts1 = Split(ActivePresentation.Name, ".") 'extract language code from PowerPoint filename 
       PPLongLanguageCode = PPLanguageParts1(LBound(PPLanguageParts1)) 
       PPLanguageParts2 = Split(PPLongLanguageCode, "_") 
       PPShortLanguageCode = PPLanguageParts2(UBound(PPLanguageParts2)) 
       FNLanguageParts = Split(oShpSource.TextFrame.TextRange.Text, "_") 'insert PowerPoint filename language code into image filename language code 
       FNShort = FNLanguageParts(LBound(FNLanguageParts)) 
       FNLong = FNShort & "_" & PPShortLanguageCode 
       oShpSource.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = FNLong 

     End If 
    Next oShpSource 
     ReDim Preserve ShapeNameArray(1 To UBound(ShapeNameArray) - 1) As String 'ShapeNameArray has one too many elements, so subtract one 
     Call oSldSource.Shapes.Range(ShapeNameArray).Export(FNLong & ".jpg", ppShapeFormatJPG) 'export images with proper filenames 
     ReDim ShapeNameArray(1 To 1) As String 
     ImgCtr = ImgCtr + 1 
     SldCtr = SldCtr + 1 
Next oSldSource 

If ImgCtr = 0 Then 'error message if no images 
    MsgBox "There were no images found in this presentation", _ 
      vbInformation, "Image extraction failed." 
End If 
Exit Sub 

If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'error message log 
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error #" & Err.Number 
End If 
End Sub 

Private Function PickDir() As String 
Dim FD As FileDialog 

    PickDir = "" 

    Set FD = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)  'initialize default MS directory picker 
    With FD 
     .Title = "Pick the folder where your files are located"  'title for directory picker dialog box 
     .AllowMultiSelect = False 
     If .SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then 
      PickDir = .SelectedItems(1) 
     End If 
    End With 

のoPresを使用し、その後、私の答えは、おそらく正しくありませんでしたので、あなたは非常に明確にされていなかったことに気づきました。エラーメッセージが表示されますか?実行を停止する場所を正確に確認するためにコードをステップ実行しようとしましたか? – mkingston




Dim ppt as Presentation 
Set ppt = Application.Presentations.Open(SrcFile, False, False, True) 
'do stuff with ppt 

ティムとmkingston、あなたの答えに感謝します。 StackOverflowへの投稿は初めてのことです。実際に使用していたコードは正常に動作していたことがわかりましたが、vbaをプログラミングしてから8時間後には、私の心は壊れてしまい、マクロはエクスポートされたイメージを.pptxファイルの上のディレクトリに保存していました開く。うわー...時々それは驚くことになります。とにかく、ティム、私はあなたの提案を使用し、それは私のコードをはるかにきれいにします。あなたがた両方に感謝します :) – dixter20



ActivePresentation = oPP.Presentations.Open(SrcFile, False, False, True) 


Set ActivePresentation = oPP.Presentations.Open(SrcFile, False, False, True) 




oPP.Presentations.Open(SrcFile, False, False, True) 
debug.print oPP.ActivePresentation.Name 


Dim oPP as Powerpoint.Application 

を次に際に次のように私もPowerPoint Object Libraryへの参照を設定し、OPPを宣言お勧めしますアプリケーションのインスタンスを作成します。

Set oPP = New Powerpoint.Application 


Dim oPres as Presentation 
Set oPres = oPP.Presentations.Open(SrcFile, False, False, True) 

