1. """A command line version of Minesweeper""" import random import re
import time from string import ascii_lowercase
def setupgrid(gridsize, start, numberofmines):
emptygrid = [['0' for i in range(gridsize)] for i in range(gridsize)]
mines = getmines(emptygrid, start, numberofmines)
for i, j in mines:
emptygrid[i][j] = 'X'
grid = getnumbers(emptygrid)
return (grid, mines)
def showgrid(grid):
gridsize = len(grid)
horizontal = ' ' + (4 * gridsize * '-') + '-'
# Print top column letters
toplabel = ' '
for i in ascii_lowercase[:gridsize]:
toplabel = toplabel + i + ' '
print(toplabel + '\n' + horizontal)
# Print left row numbers
for idx, i in enumerate(grid):
row = '{0:2} |'.format(idx + 1)
for j in i:
row = row + ' ' + j + ' |'
print(row + '\n' + horizontal)
def getrandomcell(grid):
gridsize = len(grid)
a = random.randint(0, gridsize - 1)
b = random.randint(0, gridsize - 1)
return (a, b)
def getneighbors(grid, rowno, colno):
gridsize = len(grid)
neighbors = []
for i in range(-1, 2):
for j in range(-1, 2):
if i == 0 and j == 0:
elif -1 < (rowno + i) < gridsize and -1 < (colno + j) < gridsize:
neighbors.append((rowno + i, colno + j))
return neighbors
def getmines(grid, start, numberofmines):
mines = []
neighbors = getneighbors(grid, *start)
for i in range(numberofmines):
cell = getrandomcell(grid)
while cell == start or cell in mines or cell in neighbors:
cell = getrandomcell(grid)
return mines
def getnumbers(grid):
for rowno, row in enumerate(grid):
for colno, cell in enumerate(row):
if cell != 'X':
# Gets the values of the neighbors
values = [grid[r][c] for r, c in getneighbors(grid,
rowno, colno)]
# Counts how many are mines
grid[rowno][colno] = str(values.count('X'))
return grid
def showcells(grid, currgrid, rowno, colno):
# Exit function if the cell was already shown
if currgrid[rowno][colno] != ' ':
# Show current cell
currgrid[rowno][colno] = grid[rowno][colno]
# Get the neighbors if the cell is empty
if grid[rowno][colno] == '0':
for r, c in getneighbors(grid, rowno, colno):
# Repeat function for each neighbor that doesn't have a flag
if currgrid[r][c] != 'F':
showcells(grid, currgrid, r, c)
def playagain():
choice = input('Play again? (y/n): ')
return choice.lower() == 'y'
def parseinput(inputstring, gridsize, helpmessage):
cell =()
flag = False
message = "Invalid cell. " + helpmessage
pattern = r'([a-{}])([0-9]+)(f?)'.format(ascii_lowercase[gridsize - 1])
validinput = re.match(pattern, inputstring)
if inputstring == 'help':
message = helpmessage
elif validinput:
rowno = int(validinput.group(2)) - 1
colno = ascii_lowercase.index(validinput.group(1))
flag = bool(validinput.group(3))
if -1 < rowno < gridsize:
cell = (rowno, colno)
message = ''
return {'cell': cell, 'flag': flag, 'message': message}
def playgame():
gridsize = 9
numberofmines = 10
currgrid = [[' ' for i in range(gridsize)] for i in range(gridsize)]
grid = []
flags = []
starttime = 0
helpmessage = ("Type the column followed by the row (eg. a5). "
"To put or remove a flag, add 'f' to the cell (eg. a5f).")
print(helpmessage + " Type 'help' to show this message again.\n")
while True:
minesleft = numberofmines - len(flags)
prompt = input('Enter the cell ({} mines left): '.format(minesleft))
result = parseinput(prompt, gridsize, helpmessage + '\n')
message = result['message']
cell = result['cell']
if cell:
rowno, colno = cell
currcell = currgrid[rowno][colno]
flag = result['flag']
if not grid:
grid, mines = setupgrid(gridsize, cell, numberofmines)
if not starttime:
starttime = time.time()
if flag:
# Add a flag if the cell is empty
if currcell == ' ':
currgrid[rowno][colno] = 'F'
# Remove the flag if there is one
elif currcell == 'F':
currgrid[rowno][colno] = ' '
message = 'Cannot put a flag there'
# If there is a flag there, show a message
elif cell in flags:
message = 'There is a flag there'
elif grid[rowno][colno] == 'X':
print('Game Over\n')
if playagain():
elif currcell == ' ':
showcells(grid, currgrid, rowno, colno)
message = "That cell is already shown"
if set(flags) == set(mines):
minutes, seconds = divmod(int(time.time() - starttime), 60)
'You Win. '
'It took you {} minutes and {} seconds.\n'.format(minutes,
if playagain():
は私がオンラインで見つける次のコードを使用することにしました。これは私がそれを変更することができた(私はほとんどそれが動作していない理由であるいくつかの基本的な部分を理解していない可能性が高い)です。1. import random import re import time from string import
class Minesweeper:
def __init__(self, numberofbombs, gridsize):
self.numberofbombs = numberofbombs
self.gridsize = gridsize
def setupgrid(self, start):
emptygrid = [['0' for i in range(self.gridsize)] for i in range(self.gridsize)]
mines = Minesweeper.getmines(self, emptygrid, start)
for i, j in mines:
emptygrid[i][j] = 'X'
grid = Minesweeper.getnumbers(emptygrid)
return (grid, mines)
def showgrid(self, grid):
self.gridsize = len(grid)
horizontal = ' ' + (4 * self.gridsize * '-') + '-'
# Skriver ut bokstäverna för kolumnerna
toplabel = ' '
for i in ascii_lowercase[:self.gridsize]:
toplabel = toplabel + i + ' '
print(toplabel + '\n' + horizontal)
# Skriver ut radnummer
for idx, i in enumerate(grid):
row = '{0:2} |'.format(idx + 1)
for j in i:
row = row + ' ' + j + ' |'
print(row + '\n' + horizontal)
def getrandomcell(self, grid):
self.gridsize = len(grid)
a = random.randint(0, self.gridsize - 1)
b = random.randint(0, self.gridsize - 1)
return (a, b)
def getneighbors(self, grid, rowno, colno):
self.gridsize = len(grid)
neighbors = []
for i in range(-1, 2):
for j in range(-1, 2):
if i == 0 and j == 0:
elif -1 < (rowno + i) < self.gridsize and -1 < (colno + j) < self.gridsize:
neighbors.append((rowno + i, colno + j))
return neighbors
def getmines(grid, start, self):
mines = []
neighbors = Minesweeper.getneighbors(grid, *start)
for i in range(self.numberofmines):
cell = Minesweeper.getrandomcell(grid)
while cell == start or cell in mines or cell in neighbors:
cell = Minesweeper.getrandomcell(grid)
return mines
def getnumbers(grid):
for rowno, row in enumerate(grid):
for colno, cell in enumerate(row):
if cell != 'X':
# Hämtar värdet av närliggande bomber
values = [grid[r][c] for r, c in Minesweeper.getneighbors(grid,
rowno, colno)]
# Räknar hur många som är minor
grid[rowno][colno] = str(values.count('X'))
return grid
def showcells(grid, currgrid, rowno, colno):
# Exit function if the cell was already shown
if currgrid[rowno][colno] != ' ':
# Show current cell
currgrid[rowno][colno] = grid[rowno][colno]
# Get the neighbors if the cell is empty
if grid[rowno][colno] == '0':
for r, c in Minesweeper.getneighbors(grid, rowno, colno):
# Repeat function for each neighbor that doesn't have a flag
if currgrid[r][c] != 'F':
Minesweeper.showcells(grid, currgrid, r, c)
def playagain():
choice = input("Vill du testa igen?? (y/n): ")
return choice.lower() == 'y'
def parseinput(self, inputstring, helpmessage):
cell =()
flag = False
message = "Denna ruta existerar inte. " + helpmessage
pattern = r'([a-{}])([0-9]+)(f?)'.format(ascii_lowercase[self.gridsize - 1])
validinput = re.match(pattern, inputstring)
if inputstring == 'hjälp':
message = helpmessage
elif validinput:
rowno = int(validinput.group(2)) - 1
colno = ascii_lowercase.index(validinput.group(1))
flag = bool(validinput.group(3))
if -1 < rowno < self.gridsize:
cell = (rowno, colno)
message = ''
return {'cell': cell, 'flag': flag, 'message': message}
def playgame():
gridsize = int(input("Hur står vill du att spelplanen ska vara? Skriv t.ex 9 för 9x9: "))
numberofmines = int(input("Hur många bomber vill du ha på spelplanen?: "))
information = Minesweeper(gridsize, numberofmines)
currgrid = [[' ' for i in range(gridsize)] for i in range(gridsize)]
grid = []
flags = []
starttime = 0
helpmessage = ("Skriv kolumnen förljd av raden (t.ex a5). "
"För att placera eller ta bort en flagga, lägg till 'f' (t.ex a5f).")
print(helpmessage + " Skriv 'hjälp' för att visa detta meddelande igen\n")
while True:
minesleft = numberofmines - len(flags)
prompt = input('Välj ruta ({} mines left): '.format(minesleft))
result = information.parseinput(prompt, helpmessage + '\n')
message = result['message']
cell = result['cell']
if cell:
rowno, colno = cell
currcell = currgrid[rowno][colno]
flag = result['flag']
if not grid:
grid, mines = information.setupgrid(cell)
if not starttime:
starttime = time.time()
# Kontrolerar placeringen av flaggor
if flag:
# Placerar en flagga om platsen är tom
if currcell == ' ':
currgrid[rowno][colno] = 'F'
# Tar bort flaggan om det redan finns en där
elif currcell == 'F':
currgrid[rowno][colno] = ' '
message = 'Du kan inte placera en flagga här'
# Skapar en utskrift om det redan är en flagga där
elif cell in flags:
message = 'Det är en flagga här'
elif grid[rowno][colno] == 'X':
print('Du förlorade\n')
if information.playagain():
elif currcell == ' ':
information.showcells(grid, currgrid, rowno, colno)
message = "Denna ruta är redan synlig"
if set(flags) == set(mines):
minutes, seconds = divmod(int(time.time() - starttime), 60)
'Du vann! ' 'Det tog dig {} minuter och {} sekunder.\n'.format(minutes,
if information.playagain():
は基本的に私がやったことは「マインスイーパ」クラスを作成し、自己の中に「numberofbombs」と「グリッド寸法」を作ることです。議論 最初に私は、すべての "例(グリッドなど)"がクラス内にどのように入っているかを見ることができないという問題を抱えていました。私はそれらを "Minesweeper.example(grid、etc)"に変更した後、コードはそれが想定されているように開始します。
- トレースバック(最新の最後の呼び出し):マーカス\のAppData \ローカル\プログラム\ Pythonの\ Python35-32 \ minesweeper2 \ \ユーザー: 」Cファイルエラーイムが取得
は次のとおりです。プレイゲームの中の グリッド、鉱山=情報(の)、 の行227、 のplaygame()ファイル "C:\ Users \ Marcus \ AppData \ Local \ Programs \ Python \ Python35-32 \ minesweeper2.py"、 .setupgrid(cell)ファイル "C:¥Users¥Marcus¥AppData¥Local¥Programs¥Python¥Python35-32¥minesweeper2.py"、 17行、setupgrid mines = Minesweeper.getmines(self、eファイルの "C:\ Users \ Marcus \ AppData \ Local \ Programs \ Python \ Python35-32 \ minesweeper2.py"、 行77、getmines内 neighbors = Minesweeper.getneighbors(grid、* start)TypeError: getneighbors()は4つの位置引数をとりますが、10が与えられました
「地雷除去」を置くたびに「getneighbors(grid、* start)」には6つの位置引数が追加されており、周りを回ることはできません。
これはどのように修正できますか、あるいは私が最初から間違ったやり方でコードを修正するために何をする必要があるかを知っていますか? 皆のお手伝いを楽しみにしています!
をさまざまな場所で何らかの理由で 'Minesweeper.getneighbors()'やその他の方法でメソッドを呼び出しています。どうして? –
Danielのコメントに続いて、クラスメソッドを呼び出すたびに、 'Minesweeper.method'ではなく' self.method'を使う必要があります。 – Navidad20
これは私の側からの知識の不足の可能性が最も高い、私はPythonの初心者です。 私は 'Minesweeper'を' self'に変更しましたが、すでにエラーが発生しているのを見ることができます。 10の引数についての主なエラーは、代わりに4に落ちました。フィードバックをお寄せいただきありがとうございます :) – Flargy