# 3d array representing cloud water at a particular timestep t
qc = QC(t)
# get the coordinates where there is cloud
cloud_coords = argwhere(qc > qc_thresh)
# Arrays to hold the z values of cloud base (cb) and cloud top (ct)
zcb = zeros((nx,ny))
zct = zeros((nx,ny))
# Since each coordinate (x,y) will in general have multiple z values
# for cloud I have to loop over all (x,y) and
# pull out max and min height for each point (x,y)
for x in range(nx):
# Pull out all the coordinates with a given x value
xslice = cloud_coords[ where(cloud_coords[:,0] == x) ]
for y in range(ny):
# for the given x value select a particular y value
column = xslice[ where(xslice[:,1] == y) ]
zcb[x,y] = min(column[:,2])
zct[x,y] = max(column[:,2])
# Because there may not be any cloud at all
# (a "hole") we fill the array with an average value
zcb[x,y] = mean(zcb[zcb.nonzero()])
zct[x,y] = mean(zct[zct.nonzero()])
# Because I intend to use these as indices I need them to be ints
zcb = array(zcb, dtype='int')
zct = array(zct, dtype='int')
wind = W(t)
j,i = meshgrid(arange(ny),arange(nx))
wind_base = wind[i,j,zcb]
私はシミュレーションの多くのタイムステップでこれを行い、最も遅い部分はすべての(x、y)座標に対するPythonループです。 NumPyを使用してこれらの値をより速く抽出することについての助けがあれば、大いに感謝します。