#Defining my main vars
pointer = 0
intstartvalue = 0
intendvalue = 0
intpointer = 0
intlist = []
templist = []
def main():
#This code takes the user input
print("Mentos> ", end="")
userinput = input("")
userinputvalue = []
for x in userinput:
#Probally a better way to do this but meh
#Checks if x is a number
if x == ("1") or ("2") or ("3") or ("4") or ("5") or ("6") or ("7") or ("8") or ("9") or ("0"):
userinputvalue[x] += 1 #1 refers to an integer. I did intend to do this with a string in a list but it didn't work either
#Checks if x is a decimal point
elif x == ("."):
userinputvalue[x] += 2 #2 refers to a decimal point
#Checks if x is a operator
if x == ("*") or ("/") or ("+") or ("-"):
userinputvalue[x] += 3 #3 refers to a operator
#Will program this section when I can successfully store the input to memory
def add():
def sub():
def div():
def mul():
for c in userinputvalue:
if c == 1:
intstartvalue = c
#Great job me, embedded for loops
for x in userinputvalue:
if x == 3:
intendvalue = intendvalue - (c - 1)
intpointer = intstartvalue
#I intend to cycle through the input for numbers and and add it to a list, then join the list together
#To have the first number.
if __name__ == "__main__":
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/echo/Mentos.py", line 46, in <module>
File "/home/echo/Mentos.py", line 17, in main
userinputvalue[x] += 1
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
あなたの質問は何ですか? –
具体的な質問がありますか? – mdurant
なぜTraceback(最新の最後の呼び出し)を受け取るのですか: ファイル "/home/echo/Mentos.py"、行46、 main() ファイル "/home/echo/Mentos.py"第17行目のメイン userinputvalue [x] + =TypeError:リストインデックスはstrではなく整数またはスライスでなければなりません –