を作成するとき:MARIADBのERROR 1064(42000)私は、テーブルを作成しようとするとTABLE
MariaDB [heladeria]> create table sabores ('Id_sabores' int NOT
NULL,'sab_nombre' varchar(255) NOT NULL, 'calorias' varchar(255) NOT
NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Id_sabores));
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error
in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB
server version for the right syntax to use near ''Id_sabores' int NOT
NULL,'sab_nombre' varchar(255) NOT NULL, 'calorias' varchar' at line 1
の可能な複製を(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11321491/when-to-use一重引用符 - 二重引用符と二重引用符と二重引用符と二重引用符) –