2012-04-20 7 views

私はそれにいくつかの結合でクエリを持っています。このクエリで結合したすべてのテーブルには、外部キーがあります。私が実行すると、実行時間は非常に遅く、約23秒です。 メインテーブルには約50,000行があります。ここでMySqlクエリが遅いデータを送信しています

SELECT o.id, o.title, o.link, o.position_id, o.status, o.publish_date, o.archived_on, vos.name AS site_name, vorib.image AS ribbon, vop.picture, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(voci.name AS CHAR)) AS cities, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vors.name AS CHAR)) AS regions, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(voi.icon_id AS CHAR)) AS icons, 
       GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(voc.city_id AS CHAR)) AS cities_id, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vor.region_id AS CHAR)) AS regions_id, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vose.section_id AS CHAR)) AS sections, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vocat2.category_id AS CHAR)) AS categories, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vocategories.name AS CHAR)) AS categories_names,   
      (SELECT SUM(vocount.clicks) FROM vo_offers_counter AS vocount WHERE vocount.offer_id = vo.id) AS hits 
     FROM vo_offers AS o 
       LEFT JOIN offers_pictures AS vop ON o.id = vop.offer_id AND vop.number = 1 
       LEFT JOIN offer_sites AS vos ON o.site_id = vos.id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_city AS voc ON o.id = voc.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_category AS vocat ON o.id = vocat.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_category AS vocat2 ON o.id = vocat2.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offer_categories AS vocategories ON vocat2.category_id = vocategories.id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_city AS voc2 ON o.id = voc2.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offer_cities AS voci ON voc2.city_id = voci.id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_region AS vor ON o.id = vor.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offer_regions AS vors ON vor.region_id = vors.id 
       LEFT JOIN offer_ribbons AS vorib ON o.ribbon_id = vorib.id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_section AS vose ON o.id = vose.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_icons AS voi ON o.id = voi.offer_id 
       WHERE o.id IS NOT NULL AND o.status IN ('published','pending','xml') 
GROUP BY o.id 
ORDER BY CASE WHEN o.position_id IN('', '0') THEN ~0 ELSE 0 END asc, o.position_id asc, o.publish_microtime desc 


    | id | select_type  | table  | type | possible_keys    | key      | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra          | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | o   | range | PRIMARY,status   | status     | 2  | NULL         | 3432 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | vop   | ref | offer_id     | offer_id     | 5  | new_vsichkioferti.v.id    | 1 |            | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | vos   | eq_ref | PRIMARY     | PRIMARY     | 4  | new_vsichkioferti.v.site_id   | 1 |            | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | voc   | ref | offer_id     | offer_id     | 5  | new_vsichkioferti.v.id    | 2 | Using index         | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | vocat  | ref | vo_offers_category_ibfk_1 | vo_offers_category_ibfk_1 | 5  | new_vsichkioferti.v.id    | 1 | Using index         | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | vocat2  | ref | vo_offers_category_ibfk_1 | vo_offers_category_ibfk_1 | 5  | new_vsichkioferti.v.id    | 1 |            | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | vocategories | eq_ref | PRIMARY     | PRIMARY     | 4  | new_vsichkioferti.vocat2.category_id | 1 | Using index         | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | voc2   | ref | offer_id     | offer_id     | 5  | new_vsichkioferti.v.id    | 2 |            | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | voci   | eq_ref | PRIMARY     | PRIMARY     | 4  | new_vsichkioferti.voc2.city_id  | 1 | Using index         | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | vor   | ref | offer_id     | offer_id     | 5  | new_vsichkioferti.v.id    | 1 |            | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | vors   | eq_ref | PRIMARY     | PRIMARY     | 4  | new_vsichkioferti.vor.region_id  | 1 | Using index         | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | vorib  | eq_ref | PRIMARY     | PRIMARY     | 4  | new_vsichkioferti.v.ribbon_id  | 1 |            | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | vose   | ref | offer_id     | offer_id     | 5  | new_vsichkioferti.v.id    | 1 | Using index         | 
    | 1 | PRIMARY   | voi   | ref | offer_id     | offer_id     | 5  | new_vsichkioferti.v.id    | 1 | Using index         | 
    | 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | vocount  | ref | offer_id     | offer_id     | 5  | func         | 1 | Using where         | 
    15 rows in set 




LEFT JOIN offers_city AS voc2 ON o.id = voc2.offer_id 
LEFT JOIN offer_cities AS voci ON voc2.city_id = voci.id 



通常、「ファイル使用」は問題の指標です。 'CASE'を' ORDER BY'から削除するのは助けになりますか?その式は、照会が実行されるたびにソートする前にすべての行について計算する必要があるためです。 – DCoder



ここでは、メインテーブル(vo_offers AS o)の列だけをフィルタリングしています。それが常にそうであれば、あなたは副選択でそれをスピードアップしようとすることができます。あなたのクエリのものは - それは(おそらく、100%ではない)まず結合テーブルから他のすべてのレコードを結合し、その後フィルタリングを実行します。あなたが本当に必要なレコードを見つける最初の(副選択で)だから、この場合、あなたには

SELECT o.id, o.title, o.link, o.position_id, o.status, o.publish_date, o.archived_on, vos.name AS site_name, vorib.image AS ribbon, vop.picture, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(voci.name AS CHAR)) AS cities, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vors.name AS CHAR)) AS regions, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(voi.icon_id AS CHAR)) AS icons, 
       GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(voc.city_id AS CHAR)) AS cities_id, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vor.region_id AS CHAR)) AS regions_id, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vose.section_id AS CHAR)) AS sections, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vocat2.category_id AS CHAR)) AS categories, 
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CAST(vocategories.name AS CHAR)) AS categories_names,   
      (SELECT SUM(vocount.clicks) FROM vo_offers_counter AS vocount WHERE vocount.offer_id = vo.id) AS hits 
     FROM (SELECT * FROM vo_offers WHERE id IS NOT NULL AND status IN ('published','pending','xml')) AS o 
       LEFT JOIN offers_pictures AS vop ON o.id = vop.offer_id AND vop.number = 1 
       LEFT JOIN offer_sites AS vos ON o.site_id = vos.id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_city AS voc ON o.id = voc.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_category AS vocat ON o.id = vocat.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_category AS vocat2 ON o.id = vocat2.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offer_categories AS vocategories ON vocat2.category_id = vocategories.id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_city AS voc2 ON o.id = voc2.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offer_cities AS voci ON voc2.city_id = voci.id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_region AS vor ON o.id = vor.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offer_regions AS vors ON vor.region_id = vors.id 
       LEFT JOIN offer_ribbons AS vorib ON o.ribbon_id = vorib.id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_section AS vose ON o.id = vose.offer_id 
       LEFT JOIN offers_icons AS voi ON o.id = voi.offer_id 
GROUP BY o.id 
ORDER BY CASE WHEN o.position_id IN('', '0') THEN ~0 ELSE 0 END asc, o.position_id asc, o.publish_microtime desc 





答えはありがたいですが、パフォーマンスには全く違いはありません –


すべての結合を取り出して1から1を戻して、どの点が遅くなっているかを確認しようとしましたか?私はメインテーブルから選択するだけでは遅くあってはならないと思います... – Laimoncijus