2016-04-14 7 views

それはScalaでそのような何かを/ 2.4を再生することが可能です:が2.4パラメータ化代数データ型JSONの検証を再生

sealed trait Location { val `type`: String } 
case class CityLocation(zip_code: String, override val `type`: String = "city") extends Location 
case class AddressLocation(
    society: Option[String], 
    first_name: String, 
    last_name: String, 
    override val `type`: String = "address" 
) extends Location 

sealed trait Point[T <: Location] { val `type`: String; val location: T } 
case class ShippingPoint[T](override val location: T, override val `type`: String = "shipping") extends Point[T] 
case class PickupPoint[T](override val location: T, override val `type`: String = "pickup") extends Point[T] 

object CityLocation { 
    implicit val format = Json.format[CityLocation] 
object AddressLocation { 
    implicit val format = Json.format[AddressLocation] 
object ShippingPoint { 
    implicit def write[T] = Json.writes[ShippingPoint[T]] 
    implicit def read[T]: Reads[ShippingPoint[T]] = (
    (__ \ "location").read[T] and 
     (__ \ "type").read[String](exactWordRead("shipping", "error.route.shipping.type")) 
)(ShippingPoint[T].apply _) 
object PickupPoint { 
    implicit def write[T] = Json.writes[ShippingPoint[T]] 
    implicit def read[T]: Reads[PickupPoint[T]] = (
    (__ \ "location").read[T] and 
     (__ \ "type").read[String](exactWordRead("pickup", "error.route.pickup.type")) 
)(PickupPoint[T].apply _) 



def exactWordRead(word: String, errorMessage: String): Reads[String] = Reads.constraints.pattern(s"^$word${"$"}".r, errorMessage) 



sealed trait Location { val `type`: String } 
case class CityLocation(zip_code: String, override val `type`: String = "city") extends Location 
case class AddressLocation(
    society: Option[String], 
    first_name: String, 
    last_name: String, 
    override val `type`: String = "address" 
) extends Location 

sealed trait Point[T <: Location] { val location: T; val `type`: String } 
case class ShippingPoint[T](override val location: T, override val `type`: String = "shipping") extends Point[T] 
case class PickupPoint[T](override val location: T, override val `type`: String = "pickup") extends Point[T] 

object CityLocation { 
    implicit val format = Json.format[CityLocation] 
object AddressLocation { 
    implicit val format = Json.format[AddressLocation] 
object ShippingPoint { 
    implicit def format[T: Format]: Format[ShippingPoint[T]] = (
    (__ \ "location").format[T] and 
     (__ \ "type").format[String](exactWordRead("shipping", "error.route.shipping.type")) 
)(ShippingPoint.apply, unlift(ShippingPoint.unapply)) 
object PickupPoint { 
    implicit def format[T: Format]: Format[PickupPoint[T]] = (
    (__ \ "location").format[T] and 
     (__ \ "type").format[String](exactWordRead("pickup", "error.route.pickup.type")) 
)(PickupPoint.apply, unlift(PickupPoint.unapply)) 

しかし、私は 'まだコンパイルしていない。コンパイルエラーがある:あなたが持っている一方で、コンパイラによって言ったように

[error] type arguments [T] do not conform to trait Point's type parameter bounds [T <: services.coliswebApi.data.Location] 
[error] case class ShippingPoint[T](override val location: T, override val `type`: String = "shipping") extends Point[T] 
[error]                          ^
[error] type arguments [T] do not conform to trait Point's type parameter bounds [T <: services.coliswebApi.data.Location] 
[error] case class PickupPoint[T](override val location: T, override val `type`: String = "pickup") extends Point[T] 




implicit def format[T <: Location: Format]: Format[ShippingPoint[T]] = (
     (__ \ "location").format[T] and 
     (__ \ "type").format[String](exactWordRead("shipping", "error.route.shipping.type")) 
    )(ShippingPoint.apply, unlift(ShippingPoint.unapply)) 

それはコンパイルする!タアンクス= D –


sealed trait Point[T <: Location] 


case class ShippingPoint[T](???) extends Point[T] 
case class PickupPoint[T](???) extends Point[T] 



case class ShippingPoint[T <: Location](???) extends Point[T] 
case class PickupPoint[T <: Location](???) extends Point[T] 

ようなあなたの形式であなたのタイプをバインドする必要があると思います。 今はコンパイルされない形式です。あなたはそれを修正する方法について考えていますか? –


原因は同じです。 – cchantep


確かに。助けてくれてありがとう=) –
