setopt prompt_subst
PS4=$'+ $(date "+%s.%N")\011 '
%? The return status of the last command executed just before the prompt.
%_ The status of the parser, i.e. the shell constructs (like `if' and `for') that have been started on the command
line. If given an integer number that many strings will be printed; zero or negative or no integer means print as
many as there are. This is most useful in prompts PS2 for continuation lines and PS4 for debugging with the
XTRACE option; in the latter case it will also work non-interactively.
%i The line number currently being executed in the script, sourced file, or shell function given by %N. This is most
useful for debugging as part of $PS4.
%I The line number currently being executed in the file %x. This is similar to %i, but the line number is always a
line number in the file where the code was defined, even if the code is a shell function.
%L The current value of $SHLVL.
%N The name of the script, sourced file, or shell function that zsh is currently executing, whichever was started
most recently. If there is none, this is equivalent to the parameter $0. An integer may follow the `%' to spec‐
ify a number of trailing path components to show; zero means the full path. A negative integer specifies leading
%x The name of the file containing the source code currently being executed. This behaves as %N except that function
and eval command names are not shown, instead the file where they were defined.
を参照してくださいあなたは、関連する見つける「は、この例の答えでプロンプトセクション」を含んでおり、それは今あなたのために働いていない場所を示すためにあなたのポストを編集してご検討ください。がんばろう。 – shellter
基本的に私はこれらの翻訳されたzsh同値を必要とします。 :D私は約1年間それをカスタマイズしていないので、私はoh-my-zshカスタマイズの中に埋め込んだ箇所のバックアップを掘り下げなければなりません。 – ylluminate