class CellView(ListView):
Class that determines list view for all Cells
Inherits from Django GenericView ListView Class
model: Overrided attribute that indicates that
cell is the model to be displayed
template_name: Overrided attribute that indicates
which html template to use
queryset: Overrided attribute that indicates a python
queryset of all cell objects to be displated
context_object_name: Overrided attribute that indicates
string to name the context object in the template
model = Cell
template_name = "CellView.html"
query_set = Cell.objects.all()
context_object_name = "Cells"
ここでのユニットテストのようなものは、実際のロジックではなく、実装のテスト(またはコンフィグレーション?)でしょう。 FWIWでは、 'query_set'パラメータは余計です。 'self.model.objects.all()'はデフォルトの 'query_set'です – kevinharvey