def CountWords():
filename = input('What is the name of the textfile you want to open?: ')
if filename == "alice" or "alice-ch1.txt" or " ":
file = open("alice-ch1.txt","r")
print('You want to open alice-ch1.txt')
wordcount = {}
for word in file.read().split():
if word not in wordcount:
wordcount[word] = 1
wordcount[word] += 1
wordcount = {k.lower(): v for k, v in wordcount.items() }
print (wordcount)
sum = 0
for val in wordcount.values():
sum += val
print ('The total amount of words in Alice adventures in wonderland: ' + str(sum))
sortList = sorted(wordcount.values(), reverse = True)
most_freq_7 = sortList[0:7]
#print (most_freq_7)
print ('Totoro says: The 7 most common words in Alice Adventures in Wonderland:')
print(list(wordcount.keys())[list(wordcount.values()).index(most_freq_7[0])] + " " + str(most_freq_7[0]))
print(list(wordcount.keys())[list(wordcount.values()).index(most_freq_7[1])] + " " + str(most_freq_7[1]))
print(list(wordcount.keys())[list(wordcount.values()).index(most_freq_7[2])] + " " + str(most_freq_7[2]))
print(list(wordcount.keys())[list(wordcount.values()).index(most_freq_7[3])] + " " + str(most_freq_7[3]))
print(list(wordcount.keys())[list(wordcount.values()).index(most_freq_7[4])] + " " + str(most_freq_7[4]))
print(list(wordcount.keys())[list(wordcount.values()).index(most_freq_7[5])] + " " + str(most_freq_7[5]))
print(list(wordcount.keys())[list(wordcount.values()).index(most_freq_7[6])] + " " + str(most_freq_7[6]))
file_common = open("common-words.txt", "r")
commonwords = []
contents = file_common.readlines()
for i in range(len(contents)):
#From here's the code were I need to find out how to compare the lists:
alice_keys = wordcount.keys()
result = set(filter(set(alice_keys).__contains__, commonwords))
newlist = list()
for elm in alice_keys:
if elm not in result:
print('Here are the similar words: ' + str(newlist)) #Why doesn't show?
print ('I am sorry, that filename does not exist. Please try again.')
ありがとう@ bravosierra99! – Allizon
「あなたの言葉eは最も一般的な言葉にあります....」という言葉ではなく、文字として出てきます。 – Allizon
あなたの一般的な言葉のファイルはどのように設定されていますか?私はスペースを使って単語を区切る必要があることを意味する.split()を使用しています。一般的な単語ファイルの設定方法をこのコードで調整する必要があります。 – bravosierra99