START Discovering region: ap-southeast-2
retrieving the VPC peering connections
Creating ComputerSystems and Rules for the VPC 'vpc-eac32a8f'
The VPC 'vpc-eac32a8f' does not contain any instance hence not creating anything.
END Discovering region: ap-southeast-2
START Discovering region: eu-central-1
retrieving the VPC peering connections
AWS problem during 'autodetect' all regions - Problem with the region: eu-central-1.
com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 401; Error Code: AuthFailure; Request ID: 14e0a60f-8605-4a59-8fd2-8433480f43bf)
END Discovering region: eu-central-1
START Discovering region: ap-northeast-2
retrieving the VPC peering connections
AWS problem during 'autodetect' all regions - Problem with the region: ap-northeast-2.
com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 401; Error Code: AuthFailure; Request ID: ac03b6a6-1746-4cc3-b12a-d6693079acd4)
END Discovering region: ap-northeast-2
START Discovering region: ap-northeast-1
retrieving the VPC peering connections
Creating ComputerSystems and Rules for the VPC 'vpc-f9b65c9c'
END Discovering region: ap-northeast-1
接続しようとしているインスタンスが実際に仮想プライベートクラウドvpc-f9b65c9cの一部であり、クラウドが適切なリージョンで構成されていることを確認します。これはAWSコンソールで行うことができます。 – dmitryro
新しい地域がアカウントで使用できることを確認してください: –
AmazonEc2Clientクラスはすべての地域のリクエストを作成し、DescribeVpcPeeringConnections()メソッドを使用してレスポンスを返しますが、地域「ap-northeast-2」、「eu-central-1」を取得しません。 ap-northeast-2 ----> –