intからint *への変換が無効です。
int *(私が思う)を作成していないし、違反行をint *に変更すると、ビルドエラーは発生しませんが、起動時にプログラムがクラッシュします。ここで
int main(){
Random randomInt;
clock_t start;
clock_t End;
double duration;
double clocksPerSec;
int result;
int arraySize;
//Repeat 100 times:
for(int i=1; i<=100; i++){
//Set array size:
arraySize = i*500;
//Create the array:
int testArray[arraySize];
//For the array size:
for(int j=0; j<arraySize; j++){
//Add random number to array:
testArray[j] = randomInt.randomInteger(1, 10000);
//Run the test:
start = clock();
result = algorithmTest(testArray[arraySize], arraySize);
End = clock();
//Calculate execution time:
duration = End - start;
clocksPerSec = duration/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
//Display the result:
cout << "The median is: ";
cout << result << endl;
cout << "Exection time was: ";
cout << clocksPerSec;
cout << "s\n" << endl;
//Return 0:
return 0;
//First Test:
int algorithmTest(int testArray[], int Size){
//Declare variables:
int k = Size/2;
int numSmaller;
int numEqual;
//For every element in the array:
for(int i=0; i<Size; i++){
//Set varibales to 0:
numSmaller = 0;
numEqual = 0;
//For every element in the array:
for(int j=0; j<Size; j++){
//If j is less than i:
if(testArray[j] < testArray[i]){
//Increment numSmaller:
//Else if j is equal to i:
}else if(testArray[j] == testArray[i]){
//Increment numEqual:
//Determine if the median was found:
if(numSmaller < k && k <= (numSmaller + numEqual)){
//Retrun the medain:
return testArray[i];
//Return 0:
return 0;