2017-05-27 2 views



$(function() { 
    //In Datepicker set the Calendar display start with Monday 
    firstDay: 1, 
    //Before Populating the Calendar set the Enabled & Disabled Dates using beforeShowDay(Date) function 
    beforeShowDay: function (date) { 
     //var monday = new Date("June 1, 2013 00:00:00"); 
     //Get today's date 
     var monday = new Date(); 
     //Set the time of today's date to 00:00:00 
     //alert(monday.getDay() + ' : ' + monday.getDate() + ' : ' + (monday.getDay() || 7) + ' : ' + monday); 
     Below Line sets the Date to Monday (Start of that Week) 
     (monday.getDay() || 7) returns the value of getDay() 
     ie., [ 1 - Mon, 2 - Tue, 3 - Wed, 4 - Thu, 5 - Fri, 6 - Sat ] 
     except for Sunday where it returns 7. 
     The return value is used to calculate the Date of that Week's Monday 
     monday.setDate(monday.getDate() + 1 - (monday.getDay() || 7)); 
     //Set the Date to Monday 
     var sunday = new Date(monday); 
     //Now add 6 to Monday to get the Date of Sunday (End of that Week) 
     sunday.setDate(monday.getDate() + 5); 
     //Now return the enabled and disabled dates to datepicker 
     return [(date >= monday && date <= sunday), '']; 
//Set the date format to dd/mm/yy ie., 30/10/1989 
$(".bhj").datepicker("option", "dateFormat", "dd/mm/yy"); 

何あなたは欲しいですか?現在の週のみ有効にし、残りの日付は無効にしますか? –


重複している可能性があります。このリンク[リンク]を試してください(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4915990/set-todays-date-as-default-date-in-jquery-ui-datepicker) – nzkks


$(".bhj").datepicker({dateFormat:"yy/mm/dd"}).datepicker("setDate",new Date()); 



あなたの質問は理解しにくいですが、今日の日付ピッカーをデフォルトにしたいと思っていますか? FYI、there is documentation、すべての例をご覧ください。あなたはそれが今日以降から選択したい場合は

$(".bhj").datepicker("setDate", new Date()); 


$(".bhj").datepicker("minDate ", 0); // or -1 for yesterday, or +1 for tomorrow etc 

をそれとも平日のみ(see this answer):

    var td = date.getDay(); 
    var ret = [(date.getDay() != 0 && date.getDay() != 6),'',(td != 'Sat' && td != 'Sun')?'':'only on workday']; 
    return ret; 