2017-09-07 20 views

pythonプログラムから、Excelファイルから画像として選択する必要があります。現在、私のソリューションは複雑で、win32comを使用してExcelファイルをPDFとして保存した後、イメージプリンタを使用してPDFのイメージを作成し、必要な領域を切り取ります。問題は、所望のセルの位置が保存されたPDF内で僅かにシフトすることがあり、画像内の所望のセルを正確に/繰り返し可能にクロッピングすることが不可能であることである。Pythonにpdf/imageをMS Excelで選択したセルを印刷する


Selecting a range of cells in Excel



Excel option to print only selected cells - Print Selection






Sub PrintSelection(wbPath As String, minRow As Integer, maxRow As Integer, minCol As Integer, maxCol As Integer) 

    Dim wb As Workbook, sh As Worksheet 

    'Get path of this file 
    'myPath = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path 

    'Get the workbook objects needed 
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(wbPath) 

    'Get the worksheet objects needed 
    'All of the sheets I wanted to print were "Sheet1", 
    ' but another parameter could be added to make this dynamic 
    Set sh = wb.Sheets("Sheet1") 

    'Select the cells desired 
    Call SelectRange(sh, minRow, maxRow, minCol, maxCol) 

    'Print the selection only 
    Selection.PrintOut From:=1, To:=1, Copies:=1, Collate:=True 

End Sub 

Sub SelectRange(sh As Worksheet, minRow As Integer, maxRow As Integer, minCol As Integer, maxCol As Integer) 

    Dim selRange As Range 

    With sh 
     .Cells(minRow, maxCol).Select 'start by selecting upper left corner 
     Set selRange = .Range(.Cells(minRow, minCol), .Cells(maxRow, maxCol)) 
    End With 


End Sub 



import os  
from win32com import client 
import win32print 

def excel_jpg_macro(xl_path, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max): 
    Program that calls the selection printing Macro in Excel from Python 

    :param xl_path: Full path to XL file that has cell selection to be printed 
    :param row_min: starting row of the selection desired (Excel uses indexing 
        starting at 1) as an integer 
    :param row_max: ending row of the selection desired as an integer 
    :param col_min: starting column of the selection desired as an integer 
    :param col_max: ending column of the selection desired as an integer 

    print_path = os.path.abspath('./Selection_Printer.xlsm') 
    xl_macro = 'PrintSelection' 
    # Use win32 to run the Excel Macro from Python 
    xl = client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") 
    xl.Workbooks.Open(Filename=print_path, ReadOnly=True) 
    xl.Application.Run(xl_macro, xl_path, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max) 
    del xl 

def jpg_excel_selection(xl_path, selection, save_name): 
    Prints a selection from an excel file to a jpg image printer 
    :param xl_path: Full OS path to the Excel file that you want to print from 
    :param selection: tuple with the (minimum row, maximum row, minimum column, 
         maximum column) with each value inside the tuple as an 
         integer. NOTE: Excel uses indexing starting at 1 

     # Capture the current default printer 
     curr_printer = win32print.GetDefaultPrinter() 

     # Temporarily change the default printer to be the image printer 
     temp_printer = "ImagePrinter Pro" 

     # Run the macro that prints just the selection 
     xl_path = os.path.abspath(xl_path) 
     excel_jpg_macro(xl_path, *selection) 

     # Change the default printer back to the original setting 
     print("Printing XL Selection Image Failed") 