;function(angular) {
'use strict'
angular.module("workApp", [])
.controller ("TaskController", function ($routeParams, workService, $timeout, $scope) {
var tc = this;
// These will be used in the view to flip the CSS to the appropriate color for success or failure
tc.step_0_status = "ready";
tc.step_1_status = "ready";
tc.step_2_status = "ready";
// trying this out, by storing my functions in a array, b/c I will have other uses in the end for this array.
var func_array = [
// This is where I am misunderstanding $timeout I guess. I simply want the loop to sleep for 3 seconds, before the next function is called.
$scope.startTasks = function results() {
for(var x = 0; x < func_array.length; x++) {
var step_0 = function() {
tc.step_0_status = "running"
var step_1 = function() {
tc.step_0_status = "completed";
tc.step_1_status = "running";
var step_2 = function() {
tc.step_1_status = "completed";
tc.step_2_status = "failed";
を間隔](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$interval)で、タイムアウトではありません。 –