私はBscCSを勉強していますので、プログラミングの概念に精通していますが、構造体と構造体の配列についているようです。構造体の配列 - データを引っ張らない関数
#define SIZE 3
struct Employee {
string firstName[SIZE];
string lastName[SIZE];
int id[SIZE];
int hoursWorked[SIZE];
int payRate[SIZE];
int stat[SIZE];
int menu();
void printReport(Employee & employees);
void search(Employee & employees);
void calculatePay(Employee & employees);
void orderByLastName(Employee & employees);
void orderByid(Employee & employees);
void printActive(Employee & employees);
void printInactive(Employee & employees);
//Display Main Menu
int menu()
int choice;
cout << "1. Print out Employee Report. " << endl;
cout << "2. Search Employee Records. " << endl;
cout << "3. Display the Report in Sorted order on Last Name or ID. << endl;
cout << "4. Calculate Pay. " << endl;
cout << "5. Display Active Employees." << endl;
cout << "6. Display Inactive Employees." << endl;
cout << "7. Quit" << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice. ";
cin >> choice;
return choice;
//Display the employee data in a formatted order
void printReport(Employee & employees)
cout << setw(10) << "First Name" <<
setw(10) << "Last Name" <<
setw(10) << "ID" <<
setw(10) << "Hours" <<
setw(10) << "Rate" <<
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
cout << setw(10) << employees.firstName[index] <<
setw(10) << employees.lastName[index] <<
setw(10) << employees.id[index] <<
setw(10) << employees.hoursWorked[index] <<
setw(10) << employees.payRate[index] << endl;
//Search for employee ID
//Show "Not Found" if unable to locate
void search(Employee & employees)
bool found = false;
int idNumber;
int pos = -1;
cout << "Enter id number ";
cin >> idNumber;
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE && !found; index++)
if (employees.id[index] == idNumber)
found = true;
pos = index;
if (!found)
cout << "Not Found. " << endl;
cout << setw(10) << employees.firstName[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.lastName[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.id[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.hoursWorked[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.payRate[pos] << endl;
//Calculate total weekly pay
void calculatePay(Employee & employees)
cout << setw(10) << "First Name" <<
setw(10) << "Last Name" <<
setw(10) << "ID" <<
setw(10) << "Hours" <<
setw(10) << "Rate" <<
setw(10) << "Total Pay" <<
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
cout << setw(10) << employees.firstName[index] <<
setw(10) << employees.lastName[index] <<
setw(10) << employees.id[index] <<
setw(10) << employees.hoursWorked[index] <<
setw(10) << employees.payRate[index] <<
setw(10) << employees.hoursWorked[index] * employees.payRate[index] << endl;
//Sort employee data by last name
void orderByLastName(Employee & employees)
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE - 1; j++)
if (employees.lastName[j] > employees.lastName[j + 1])
string temp = employees.lastName[j];
employees.lastName[j] = employees.lastName[j + 1];
employees.lastName[j + 1] = temp;
temp = employees.firstName[j];
employees.firstName[j] = employees.firstName[j + 1];
employees.firstName[j + 1] = temp;
int tempid = employees.id[j];
employees.id[j] = employees.id[j + 1];
employees.id[j + 1] = tempid;
int temphours = employees.hoursWorked[j];
employees.hoursWorked[j] = employees.hoursWorked[j + 1];
employees.hoursWorked[j + 1] = temphours;
int temppayrate = employees.payRate[j];
employees.payRate[j] = employees.payRate[j + 1];
employees.payRate[j + 1] = temppayrate;
//Sort employee data by ID
void orderByid(Employee & employees)
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE - 1; j++)
if (employees.id[j] > employees.id[j + 1])
string temp = employees.lastName[j];
employees.lastName[j] = employees.lastName[j + 1];
employees.lastName[j + 1] = temp;
temp = employees.firstName[j];
employees.firstName[j] = employees.firstName[j + 1];
employees.firstName[j + 1] = temp;
int tempid = employees.id[j];
employees.id[j] = employees.id[j + 1];
employees.id[j + 1] = tempid;
int temphours = employees.hoursWorked[j];
employees.hoursWorked[j] = employees.hoursWorked[j + 1];
employees.hoursWorked[j + 1] = temphours;
int temppayrate = employees.payRate[j];
employees.payRate[j] = employees.payRate[j + 1];
employees.payRate[j + 1] = temppayrate;
void printActive(Employee & employees)
bool found = false;
int pos = -1;
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE && !found; index++)
if (employees.stat[index] == 1)
found = true;
pos = index;
if (!found) {
cout << "No active employees." << endl;
else {
cout << setw(10) << employees.firstName[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.lastName[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.id[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.hoursWorked[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.payRate[pos] << endl;
void printInactive(Employee & employees)
bool found = false;
int pos = -1;
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE && !found; index++)
if (employees.stat[index] == 0)
found = true;
pos = index;
if (!found) {
cout << "No inactive employees." << endl;
else {
cout << setw(10) << employees.firstName[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.lastName[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.id[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.hoursWorked[pos] <<
setw(10) << employees.payRate[pos] << endl;
int main()
struct Employee employees[SIZE];
//Read first and last name from user
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
cout << "Enter first name : ";
cin >> employees[index].firstName[index];
cout << "Enter last name : ";
cin >> employees[index].lastName[index];
//Read ID, hours, and pay rate from user
while (employees[index].id[index] < 0)
cout << "Enter id : ";
cin >> employees[index].id[index];
if (employees[index].id[index] < 0)
cout << "Invalid Id number. " << endl;
cout << "Enter id : ";
cin >> employees[index].id[index];
while (employees[index].hoursWorked[index] < 0)
cout << "Enter hours worked : ";
cin >> employees[index].hoursWorked[index];
if (employees[index].hoursWorked[index] < 0)
cout << "Invalid hours. " << endl;
cout << "Enter hours worked : ";
cin >> employees[index].hoursWorked[index];
while (employees[index].payRate[index] < 0)
cout << "Enter Pay Rate : ";
cin >> employees[index].payRate[index];
if (employees[index].payRate[index] < 0)
cout << "Invalid pay rate. " << endl;
cout << "Enter Pay Rate : ";
cin >> employees[index].payRate[index];
while (employees[index].stat[index] < 0)
cout << "Enter your status. (0 - Inactive, 1 - Active) : ";
cin >> employees[index].stat[index];
if (employees[index].stat[index] < 0)
cout << "Enter your status : ";
cin >> employees[index].stat[index];
cout << endl;
//Loop to display menu options until user quits program
while (true)
//Call menu with options
int ch = menu();
//Different options to choose
switch (ch)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
int sortType;
cout << "1.Sort by Last Name." << endl;
cout << "2.Sort by ID." << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice. ";
cin >> sortType;
if (sortType == 1)
else if (sortType ==2)
case 4:
case 5: printActive(employees[SIZE]);
case 6: printInactive(employees[SIZE]);
case 7:
return 0;
なぜあなたの構造体の属性はすべて「SIZE」の量ですか? – Treycos
あなたの[MCVE]を提示してください –
あなたがC++を学んでいるなら、属性として構造体の要素を含み、メソッドとして関数を使用することを検討してください。 – Treycos