2016-11-03 7 views

フレックスボックスには2つのアイテム、direction = rowがあります。 2番目の項目のテキスト内容は非常に長いです。 2番目の項目は最初の項目と同じくらい高く、スクロールバーが必要です。これは可能ですか?フレックスボックスアイテムの限界高さ

#wrap { display: flex; } 
#item-1 { height: 100px; background: orange; flex: 1; } 
#item-2 { overflow: scroll; flex: 1; }
<div id='wrap'> 
    <div id='item-1'></div> 
    <div id='item-2'> 
I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> 

最も近いポスト私はis this oneを見つけましたが、答えは私の場合で動作するようには思えません。


あなたが '#アイテム-2 'に同じ固定の高さを設定したくない理由? – Dez


はい、これは重複していますが、リンクを見つけようとしています。 –


@Dezはい - 実際には、 'item-1'の高さは反応し、幅と内容に応じて変化します。 – wezten



今すぐposition: absolute


#wrap { display: flex; } 
#item-1 { min-height: 100px; background: orange; flex: 1; } 
#item-2 { position: relative; flex: 1; } 
#item-wrap { 
    position: absolute; 
    left: 0; top: 0; 
    right: 0; bottom: 0; 
    overflow: auto; 
<div id='wrap'> 
    <div id='item-1'> 
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br> 
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br> 
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br> 
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br> 
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br> 
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br> 
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br> 
    If this gets longer, right most follows<br> 
    <div id='item-2'> 
    <div id='item-wrap'> 
I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> I would like this text to have a scrollbar, and thus not take up more height than the orange box.<br> 