2016-12-08 19 views

下記の問題の最適なクエリを書く上で助けが必要です。私が持っている質問を添付しましたが、リソースを非常に利用しています。以下TSQL - グループと諸島の日付

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-- drop table #me 
create table #ME (memid int , EffectiveDate datetime , termdate datetime) 

Insert into #ME values ('123','3-Dec-16','10-Jan-17') 
Insert into #ME values ('123','11-Jan-17','6-Feb-17') 
Insert into #ME values ('123','7-Feb-17','5-Mar-17') 
Insert into #ME values ('123','8-Mar-17','15-Apr-17') 
Insert into #ME values ('123','16-Apr-17','24-May-17') 

--drop table #dim 
select * from #ME 
declare @StartDate datetime , @CutoffDate datetime 

select @StartDate= min(effectivedate),@CutoffDate = max(termdate) From #me where termdate<>'9999-12-31 00:00:00.000' 

into #dim 
    SELECT d = DATEADD(DAY, rn - 1, @StartDate) 
    SELECT TOP (DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDate, @CutoffDate)) 
     rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY s1.[object_id]) 
    FROM sys.all_objects AS s1 
    CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects AS s2 
    -- on my system this would support > 5 million days 
    ORDER BY s1.[object_id] 
) AS x 
) AS y; 

--drop table #MemEligibilityDateSpread 

select MemID, D As DateSpread Into #MemEligibilityDateSpread From #Dim dim JOIN #me ME on dim.d between ME.effectivedate and me.termdate 

--drop table #DateClasified 

     UniqueDate = DateSpread, 
     DateGroup = DATEADD(dd, - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Memid ORDER BY Memid,DateSpread), DateSpread) 
    FROM #MemEligibilityDateSpread 
    GROUP BY Memid,DateSpread 
--===== Now, if we find the MIN and MAX date for each DateGroup, we'll have the 
    -- Start and End dates of each group of contiguous daes. While we're at it, 
    -- we can also figure out how many days are in each range of days. 
SELECT Memid, 
     StartDate = MIN(UniqueDate), 
     EndDate = MAX(UniqueDate) 
    INTO #DateClasified 
    FROM cte 
    GROUP BY Memid,DateGroup 
    ORDER BY Memid,StartDate 

select ME.MemID,ME.EffectiveDate,ME.TermDate,DC.StartDate,DC.EndDate from #DateClasified dc join #me ME ON Me.MemID = dc.MemID 
     and (ME.EffectiveDate BETWEEN DC.StartDate AND DC.EndDate 
       OR ME.TermDate BETWEEN DC.StartDate AND DC.EndDate) 




現在、集計が10,000日(27歳)の最大値を持っている、しかし、あなたは簡単に, cte0 N5

;with cte0(N) as (Select 1 From (Values(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) N(N)) 
    ,cte1(R,D) as (Select Row_Number() over (Order By (Select Null)) 
          ,DateAdd(DD,-1+Row_Number() over (Order By (Select Null)),(Select MinDate=min(EffectiveDate) From #ME)) 
        From cte0 N1, cte0 N2, cte0 N3, cte0 N4) 
Select MemID 
     ,SinceFrom = Min(EffectiveDate) over (Partition By Island) 
     ,Tildate = Max(TermDate) over (Partition By Island) 
From (
     Select *,Island = R - Row_Number() over (Partition By MemID Order by TermDate) 
      From #ME A 
      Join cte1 B on D Between EffectiveDate and TermDate 
    ) A 
Group By MemID,Island,EffectiveDate,TermDate 
Order By 1,2 


MemID EffectiveDate TermDate SinceFrom Tildate 
123  2016-12-03  2017-01-10 2016-12-03 2017-03-05 
123  2017-01-11  2017-02-06 2016-12-03 2017-03-05 
123  2017-02-07  2017-03-05 2016-12-03 2017-03-05 
123  2017-03-08  2017-04-15 2017-03-08 2017-05-24 
123  2017-04-16  2017-05-24 2017-03-08 2017-05-24 

編集]を追加することによって、集計テーブルを拡張することができます - 今すぐ圧縮データセットが必要な場合

Select MemID 
     ,EffectiveDate = Min(EffectiveDate) 
     ,TermDate  = Max(TermDate) 
From (
     Select *,Island = R - Row_Number() over (Partition By MemID Order by TermDate) 
      From #ME A 
      Join cte1 B on D Between EffectiveDate and TermDate 
    ) A 
Group By MemID,Island 
Order By 1,2 


MemID EffectiveDate TermDate 
123  2016-12-03  2017-03-05 
123  2017-03-08  2017-05-24 

は、私は、リモートサーバーで実行した場合、それはrecords.Haven'tは任意のものを変更したが、別のマシンで、それは異なる出力を生成周り130生成し、正常に動作します。何か案が?同じ入力、同じクエリですが、出力が異なります – vignesh


CTE1をtempとして実行しましたが、正常に動作しました。なぜそれがcteとしてうまくいかないのか? – vignesh


@vigneshなぜあなたが問題になっているのか分かりません。私には分かりません。 –